Water Distribution Systems

The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD or District) has enacted Rules & Regulations based on a series of ordinances. These include the regulation of Water Distribution Systems. These 2014 Implementation Guidelines are associated with Ordinance No. 160 (adopted April 21, 2014 and effective May 21, 2014), which makes comprehensive changes primarily to MPWMD Rules 11, 20, 21, 22 and 173. The intent of these Guidelines is to provide a “road map” for the public and District staff on how various types of water systems are now regulated. The following links provide information needed to apply for permitting and review.

2014 Implementation Guidelines

·     MPWMD Request for Exemption Form for Water Distribution Systems

·     MPWMD Application Form for Water Distribution Systems

·     List of Qualified Ground Water Consultants

·     Procedures for Preparation of Well Source and Pumping Impact Assessments

·     Notice of Fees

·     Memo #3: District Policy on Wells in Carmel Valley Alluvial Aquifer (October 17, 2006)

·     Memo #4: Memo on Pumping Tests after November 30, 2007

·     Memo #5: Test Duration for Non-Potable Wells (July 24, 2009)

·     Memo #6: Calculating System Losses as Part of Requested Production Limit (August 6, 2009)

·     Memo #7: Implementation Guidelines for Noticing Requirements Associated with Well Testing for WDS Permits (Ordinance No. 150), June 27, 2012

·     Memo #8: Requirements for Fractured Rock Wells that Serve One Parcel (Resolution 2013-12), July 22, 2013

·     Estimating Non-Potable Water Use on a Parcel (agriculture, livestock, pools)

·     Estimating Residential Water Use (fixtures + associated home landscape)

·     Estimating Non-Residential Water Use



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