


Meeting Date:

August 11, 2011





Darby Fuerst,




General Manager





Prepared By:

Henrietta Stern,

Project Manager




SUMMARY:   Staff will provide initial materials for the Special Board workshop on water supply alternatives planned for August 25, 2011, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM at Soper Field in Seaside.  Exhibit 2-A is a rough agenda and notes describing the planned activities for the evening.  Exhibit 2-B is a “fact sheet” template for water projects for which there is documented information on yield, cost and timing; staff will fill these out for Water Projects 1 through 5 as well as other projects prior to the August 25, 2011 meeting.  Exhibit 2-C is a “blank” template for brainstorming by the public.  The public is not expected to know yield, cost and timing data for these projects, but the template provides guidance to the participants about what factors to consider and the many steps needed to bring a water project to fruition.


These efforts are intended to be complementary to Regional Water Project (RWP), as additional capacity is needed to meet future community needs, even with the RWP, because RWP Phase 1 only legalizes the existing supply and does not address the water needs of existing vacant legal lots of record, or expansions to existing development.  These projects can also serve to reduce the impact of state and court actions on local water supply if the RWP is significantly delayed.


These materials have been reviewed by Mr. Les White, who served as the facilitator for the March 2011 goal-setting workshop, and who has been retained to assist with the August 25, 2011 workshop.  As described in Exhibit 2-A, the activities are envisioned to include:


1.      Welcome and Introductions

2.      Meeting Purpose and Ground Rules

3.      Overview of Supply Reductions due to SWRCB Action and Seaside Basin Adjudication 

4.      Overview of MPWMD Water Projects #1 through #5

5.      Cal-Am Update on Regional Water Project  [**not confirmed**]

6.      Breakout sessions at five tables for major water supply categories (ASR, Desalination, Recycle/Stormwater, Reservoir Storage/Other and Conservation) 

7.      Table spokespersons highlight ideas or observations

8.      Suggested next steps

9.      Board member comments or observations

10.  Other public comments or observations

11.  Adjourn


Board members are envisioned to serve as strolling observers and listeners, rather than direct participants in the breakout tables.  Board member comments are reserved for the end of the workshop.  Workshop results will be summarized by staff and discussed by the Board in a more traditional setting in the future.  It is noted that budget constraints will have an impact on the number and extent of follow-up tasks.


BACKGROUND:  Letters were received by the Carmel Valley Association (Water Committee), LandWatch Monterey, and League of Women Voters in April and May 2011 requesting a public workshop that identifies water projects that could serve as a contingency plan if the RWP does not go forward as scheduled or approved.  In an August 1, 2011 letter, the District advised these groups that a special workshop was set for August 25, 2011 to discuss water supply options, and invited them to attend.  It is noted that there have been several letters to the editor in local papers in recent weeks expressing concern about the viability of the RWP and suggesting alternatives to potentially pursue.



2-A      Rough agenda and notes for August 25, 2011 workshop

2-B      Template for water supply projects for which data and documentation exists

2-C      Template for brainstorm concepts for which minimal data exists





