Rough Agenda and Notes – Henri 8/5/2011

MPWMD Water Supply Workshop

Thursday, August 25, 2011   


1.             Welcome, Pledge, and Introduction (5 minutes) — Brower welcomes group, introduces facilitator and General Manager, introduces Board members, and describes how Board members are here primarily to observe and listen, circulate among the tables, and perhaps comment at the end.  Describes Water Supply as the most important priority for MPWMD at this time.  Notes that MPWMD workshop is carried out at the request of the public, and is not intended to compete with the Regional Water Supply Project (RWP), as smaller projects can help if there are delays or provide additional capacity to meet future community needs. Note that RWP (Phase 1) only legalizes the existing supply and does not meet needs of existing legal lots of record, expansions, etc


2.             Purpose and Order of Events (5 minutes) --  Les White describes his role.  Describes workshop purpose to involve the public in identifying water projects that will either help fill the gap until RWP comes on line, and/or provide water for new construction and remodels after the RWP is constructed.  We will start with (a) staff overview of supply losses over time (due SWRCB CDO and Seaside Basin Adjudication); and (b) current MPWMD priority projects to increase production.  There is a possible presentation by Cal-Am on RWP status.  Then breakout into 5 tables with major supply topics, each with worksheets on known projects or possible brainstormed ideas and variations.  Staff will assist with each table.  Table spokesperson will highlight ideas.  Reconvene and discuss next steps.


3.             Staff Overview of Supply Losses due to CDO and Adjudication  (5-10 minutes) -- Darby Fuerst sets the stage and highlights needed supply to avoid further rationing (powerpoint and hand-outs) – brief Q&A.


4.             Staff Overview of MPWMD Water Projects #1-5 adopted in April 2011 (15 minutes) – Darby or Larry briefly describes 2011 Board priorities—Water Project 1 (ASR at Santa Margarita site); Water Project 2 (ASR at Seaside Middle School); Water Project 3 (local desal); Water Project 4 (assist MRWPCA with GRP) and Water Project 5 (expanded capacity at Los Padres Dam).  Brief Q&A.


5.             Cal-Am Update on Regional Water Project—5 minutes  [**not confirmed**]


6.             Breakout sessions into five tables – 35 minutes.  Table 1=  ASR; Table 2= Desal; Table 3= Recycle/Stormwater; Table 4= Reservoir Storage/Other; Table 5= Conservation.  Les describes ground rules, highlights complete and incomplete worksheets as helpful guide.  If data not known, describe tasks to obtain needed information; or highlight pros and cons.  Consider technical, regulatory info which affects cost, yield and timing.  Staff to help as recorders and serve as info resource.  Keith Israel of MRWPCA has volunteered to staff the Recycle/Stormwater table.


7.             Table spokesperson reports on table ideas or observations (5 min each= 25 min total).  


8.             Next steps (5 minutes) Darby suggests staff formally summarize the meeting and review concepts, bring to Board for more formal discussion in the future.  Notes budget constraints in 2011-2012.


9.             Board member comments or observations (3 min each x 7 = 21 minutes)


10.           Other public comments or observations (5 min)


11.           Adjourn


(total time a little over 2 hours – 131 minutes as shown above; room reserved for 3 hours)







