


Meeting Date:

August 12, 2019





David J. Stoldt


Water Supply Projects


General Manager

Line Item:



Prepared By:

Maureen Hamilton

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel  Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on August 12, 2019 and recommended ________________.

CEQA Compliance:  The Board adopted an addendum to the ASR EIR/EA for the Santa Margarita Water Treatment Facilities project on July 15, 2019.



















SUMMARY:  Staff is proposing to begin construction of the Santa Margarita Water Disinfection Facilities Project (Project) at MPWMD’s Santa Margarita site located at 1910 General Jim Moore Boulevard (GJMB) this fall.  The Project will construct disinfection facilities required for California-American Water (Cal-Am) to recover Pure Water Monterey (PWM) water from the Seaside Groundwater Basin (SGB). 


During construction the owner or an owner representative is required to perform construction management (CM) tasks including:

·         Schedule review and analysis

·         Project cost control including progress payment review, change order management, and design clarifications

·         Progress meetings coordination

·         Permit and property agreement compliance monitoring

·         Submittal management

·         RFI management

·         O&M coordination

·         Inspections including structural, mechanical, electrical, and civil


Due to limited staff managing multiple projects, staff proposes to enter into a contract for CM services for the Project. 


MPWMD issued Request for Proposals for Construction Management Services for construction of the Project on July 1, 2019.  One proposal was received from Psomas on July 31, 2019. 


RECOMMENDATION:  That the Administrative Committee recommend that the Board of Directors:


1.      Authorize the General Manager to enter into a contract with Psomas for a contract amount of $190,280, with a 15% contingency to be authorized by MPWMD staff, for a total amount not-to-exceed (NTE) $218,822.


DISCUSSION:  The Project was conceived to provide permanent treatment for the Santa Margarita and Seaside Middle School sites, and is required to provide production capacity necessary to recover PWM water from the SGB. 


·         The Santa Margarita site has existing temporary disinfection capability for one well.  Permanent water treatment is required at the Santa Margarita site. 

·         Water treatment chemicals are disallowed at the Seaside Middle School ASR site because the location is elevated above a playground.  Without disinfection, the two ASR wells at the Seaside Middle School can only be utilized for injection.   Conveyance between the Seaside Middle School and Santa Margarita sites already exists.  Conveying Seaside Middle School water to Santa Margarita for disinfection will be the most economical means to provide disinfection capability for Seaside Middle School production water. 

·         Additional production capacity created by this Project is required for Cal-Am to recover PWM water from the SGB.  The least expensive option to provide additional production capacity is to utilize the ASR wells for production. 


The Project work includes and is not limited to:


·         A CMU building approximately 1,500 square feet in size with HVAC

·         Chemical delivery, storage, and feed systems

·         An exterior above-ground metering and chemical injection manifold

·         Installation of approximately 2”-30” pipe

·         Associated appurtenances, analyzers, electrical, excavation, trenching, backfill, pavement, fencing


The Project will be issued for bid in August, 2019.  Cal-Am needs the Project to be substantially complete by May 31, 2020 in order to provide training and utilize the Seaside Middle School site for summer production of PWM water. 


The work to complete the project will be highly dependent on materials lead time and weather.  Construction, and thus CM services requirements, will not occur full-time over the winter.  In order to provide CM services to meet weather limitations and Contractor/subcontractor schedule requirements, a local consultant and/or consultant already scheduled to work in the area is desirable to keep the cost of service at a minimum.


A Request for Proposals (RFP) for Project CM services was issued July 1, 2019.  Staff notified the following firms that the RFP was available:


·         Harris & Associates

·         Psomas

·         MWHC

·         Carrollo Engineers

·         GHD

·         CSG Consultants

·         Wallace Group

A job walk was conducted on July 23, 2019.  Representatives from MWHC, Carrollo Engineers, and Psomas attended the job walk.  Proposals were opened on August 1, 2019; one proposal was received from Psomas.


Psomas is a 600 employee firm that has been in business for 72 years and is employee owned.  In 2018 Psomas acquired the Covello Group with over 250 years of combined experience providing CM services for water resources projects.  The CM team, part of the Covello Group acquisition, lives and works in the Santa Cruz/Monterey area. The team will consist of a Project Manager, Lead Inspector, and Field Engineer, and as-needed a Regional Manager, geotechnical sub-consultant, electrical engineer sub-consultant, and a coatings sub-consultant.  The CM team has worked on the following water resources projects recently:


·         Pure Water Monterey Source Waters

·         Pure Water Monterey Injection Wells

·         Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency Recycled Water Storage and Distribution Pump Station Improvement

·         Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency Blended Well Pipeline

·         Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency K-1 Pipeline

·         Soquel Creek Water District O’Neil Ranch Well and Water Treatment Plant

·         Soquel Creek Water District Polo Grounds Well and Treatment Facilities


The proposal is a time and materials basis, allowing for flexibility with weather and Contractor schedules.  Service is required part time, and hours will only be billed as required.  Staff experience with this CM team is that billing is for work required, and after significant scope changes the contract for another project is still within the original approved contract agreement allocation. 


Fifteen percent (15%) contingency is being requested due to potential scope changes as the water supply portfolio, permit requirements, and regulatory requirements are not final.  The contract agreement will be written for the base fee, with contingency being awarded by staff only if required.


Construction Management Services proposal details can be found in Exhibit A.



A         Proposal for Construction Management Services



