


Meeting Date:

January 23, 2012





David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item No.:




Prepared By:

Jonathan Lear

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A




















Exhibit 20-A shows the water supply status for the Monterey Peninsula Water Resources System (MPWRS) as of January 1, 2012.  This system includes the surface water resources in the Carmel River Basin, the groundwater resources in the Carmel Valley Alluvial Aquifer and the Seaside Groundwater Basin.  Exhibit 20-B is for Water Year (WY) 2012 and focuses on four factors: rainfall, runoff, storage, and steelhead.  The rainfall and streamflow values are based on measurements in the upper Carmel River Basin at San Clemente Dam. 


Water Supply Status:  As shown, rainfall during December 2011 totaled 0.10 inches and brings the cumulative rainfall total for WY 2012 to 3.40 inches, which is 50% of the long-term average through December of 6.81 inches.  Estimated unimpaired runoff during December 2011 totaled 1,022 acre-feet (AF) and brings the cumulative runoff total for WY 2012 to 3,103 AF, which is 44% of the long-term average through December of 7,019 AF.  Usable storage, which includes surface and groundwater, was 29,640 AF, or 103% of the long-term average through December of 28,710 AF.  This storage equates to 79% of system capacity.  In addition, 0 adult steelhead were counted in the fish ladder at San Clemente Dam for WY 2012 through December.


Production Compliance:  Under State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Cease and Desist Order No. 2009-0060, California American Water (Cal-Am) is allowed to produce no more than 10,308 AF of water from the Carmel River in WY 2012.  In addition, under the Seaside Basin Decision, Cal-Am is allowed to produce 2,669 AF of water from the Coastal Subareas and 147 AF from the Laguna Seca Subarea of the Seaside Basin in WY 2012.  In December 2011, the Seaside Watermaster determined that 32 AF of native groundwater was not produced by Cal-Am in WY 2011. This amount was added to Cal-Am’s WY 2012 allotment (2,669 AF + 32 AF = 2,701 AF).  Altogether, Cal-Am is currently allowed to produce 13,009 AF from Carmel River and Seaside Coastal sources for customers in its main Monterey system and 147 AF from the Laguna Seca Subarea for customers in Ryan Ranch, Hidden Hills, and Bishop Systems (not adjusted for ASR recovery or Sand City Desalination).  For WY 2012 through December, Cal-Am has produced 2,814 AF from the Carmel River, Seaside Basins, Sand City Desalination, and ASR recovery, for customer use.  This water production is 166 AF or 5.6% less than the target specified for Cal-Am’s production from the MPWRS for WY 2012 through December.  A breakdown of Cal-Am’s production compared with budget targets for WY 2012 through December is included as Exhibit 20-B.  Cal-Am’s production from the Carmel River Basin is reduced for diversions that are made for injection into the Seaside Basin; Cal-Am’s “native” Seaside Basin production is reduced for injected water recovery. For WY 2012 through December, 0 AF of Carmel River Basin groundwater have been diverted for Seaside Basin injection; 1,077 AF have been recovered for customer use.  Exhibit 20-B shows production breakdown from all sources for all uses.



20-A    Water Supply Status: January 1, 2012

20-B       Cal-Am Diversions from Carmel River and Seaside Groundwater Basins:  Water Year 2012

20-C       Cal-Am production by source: WY 2012

