ACTION ITEMS              



Review and consider adoption of charges for existing board committees:  administrative, public outreach, rules and  regulations review and water demand


Meeting Date:

December 12, 2005





David A. Berger,




General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

Arlene Tavani

Cost Estimate: 



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  Administrative Committee 3 – 0 Approve

                                                    Public Outreach Committee – No recommendation

                                                    Rules & Regulations Review – Refer to Board

                                                    Water Demand Committee – Recommendation to be submitted prior to 12/12/05 Board meeting                   

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY: At the September 8, 2005 Strategic Planning Session, the Board requested that charges be prepared for all committees and be brought forward for adoption at the December 12, 2005 meeting.   Attached as Exhibits 17-A, C, D and E, respectively, are proposed charges for the Administrative, Public Outreach, Rules and Regulations Review and Water Demand committees.  Additional information regarding the committees is presented below in the Background section of this staff report.


Action on Exhibit 17-C, the charge for the Public Outreach Committee, will be considered at the January 26, 2006 Board meeting, after the committee has met to review the charge and develop a recommendation to the Board.


The Board should consider the issue of “voting members” raised by the Administrative Committee at their meeting of November10, 2005.  The Administrative Committee discussed a suggestion by one of its members to add the following phrase to the charges for each of the four committees, “The voting members of the Committee shall consist of elected (emphasis added) Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District appointed by the Board Chairperson.”  The committee referred this issue to the full Board for consideration.


RECOMMENDATION:  Review and approve as presented, or review and adopt with amendments the committee charges presented as Exhibits 17-A, D and E. The Board should also discuss the issue referred by the Administrative Committee that defines “voting membership” on the committees.  Staff recommends that you take action on each committee charge separately.


A.                 Adopt Exhibit 17-A, Administrative Committee Charge

B.                 Adopt Exhibit 17-D, Rules and Regulations Review Committee Charge

C.                 Adopt Exhibit 17-E, Water Demand Committee Charge

BACKGROUND: Attached as Exhibit 17-A is the Administrative Committee charge recommended by the committee on November 10, 2005.  At that meeting the Committee amended the charge that was previously approved by the committee on March 10, 1998, but never adopted by the Board.  The amendment is shown in section 1 in bold and italicized text.  Additional non substantive amendments (shown in underlined italicized text and strikeout) were made by staff in sections 2, 3 and 4. The changes were made to conform the language to be consistent with the format used in other District charges and proposed Meeting Rule 7. The primary function of the committee as stated in the charge is to provide advice to the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District on matters affecting management and administration of the District including financial, human resources, risk management, information technology, purchasing, and other related fields.  Attached as Exhibit 17-B, is the staff report from the November 10, 2005 Administrative Committee which provides additional information on previous action the Board and Committee have taken regarding the committee charge.


The staff proposed charge for the Public Outreach Committee is attached as Exhibit 17-C.  It states that the purpose of the committee is to ensure that information about the District mission, its activities and water issues are effectively communicated to the public. The committee members have reviewed the proposed charge, but will need additional time to develop a recommendation for consideration by the Board on January 26, 2006.  The charge has been amended by District staff to conform the language to the format consistent with other District charges and proposed Meeting Rule 7.  The amendments are shown in italicized and strikeout text.


Attached as Exhibit 17-D is the proposed charge for the Rules and Regulations Review Committee.  The function of the committee, as stated in the draft charge, is to provide feedback and guidance to staff, and recommendations to the District Board of Directors on policy matters related to the Rules and Regulations of the District on subjects typically not covered by other Board committees.  The committee members reviewed the draft charge, and their comments are shown in bold, italics. District staff has also amended the text to conform the language to the format consistent with other District charges and proposed meeting Rule 7. Those changes are shown in italicized and strikeout text. The Board should make a decision on the final wording of the charge.


The draft charge for the Water Demand Committee is attached as Exhibit 17-E.  The committee initially reviewed at the text at its October 11, 2005 meeting and deferred the discussion to the December 8, 2005 meeting.   Exhibit 17-E contains strikeout and italicized text to indicate changes made by staff after the October 11 meeting in order to conform the charge to a format consistent with other District charges.  The committee’s recommendation on the charge will be distributed under separate cover following the December 8 meeting and prior to the December 12, 2005 Board meeting.



17-A    Administrative Committee Charge

17-B    November 10, 2005 Administrative Committee Staff Report  

17-C    Public Outreach Committee Charge

17-D    Rules and Regulations Review Committee Charge

17-E    Water Demand Committee Charge


