Agencies With Potential Permits and Approvals for Deep Water Desal

Submitted at 8/11/2011 committee meeting by DeepWater Desal.   Item 5.a.




BOND ISSUANCE 1st traunch Q1 2013; final traunch Q1 2014


Phase 1: Construction Q1 – Q4 2013, Water Delivery Q1 2014


Completion Phase: Construction Q4 2013 – Q1 2015, Water Delivery Q2 2015


Federal Agencies


Requirements for All Federal Agencies: Q4 2012


Incidental Take Permit in accordance with Section 104 of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972


Incidental Take Statement in accordance with ESA Section 7


Consultation and biological opinion in accordance with ESA


Consultation with State Historic Preservation Officer and/or Tribal Historic Preservation Officer in accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966


National Marine Fisheries: Q4 2012


Approval for sea floor pipeline


Consultation with Coastal Commission, NOAA, and ACOE


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Q4 2012


Incidental Take Statement in accordance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973


Incidental Take Permit in accordance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act


Consultation in accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act


National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Q4 2012


Authorization by the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Superintendent of federal, state and local agencies’ permits within the sanctuary in accordance with NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary Program requirements for the MBNMS.


Consultation in accordance with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Q4 2012


Permit in accordance with Clean Water Act Section 404


Permit in accordance with Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10


U.S. Coast Guard: Q4 2012


Approval for use of Navigable waterways, bridges


Approval of Construction Methods


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Q4 2012


Consultation with State Regional Quality Board



State Agencies


For All State Agencies: Q3 2011


            Consultation and coordination with Federal permits and agencies


            Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act, possible EIR



San Jose State University Foundation: Q4 2011


            Owner permissions for use of pier and right of way to reach the beach


California State University: Q4 2011


            Construction approval for pier, Chancellors Office approval


            Agreement with Moss Landing Marine Laboratories for pier, right of way and easement


California Public Utilities Commission: Q4 2013


Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity


State Water Resources Control Board: Q4 2012


Order of approval for Regional Board Action


Regional Water Quality Control Board for the Central Coast Region: Q4 2012


Compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit For Storm Water Discharges Associated With Construction Activity


National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit in accordance with Clean Water Act Section 402


Waste Discharge Requirements in accordance with the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act


Water Quality Certification in accordance with Clean Water Act Section 401


California State Lands Commission: (see Moss Landing Harbor District)


California Department of Fish and Game: Q4 2012


Incidental Take Permit in accordance with the California Endangered Species Act


Lake/Streambed Alteration Agreement


California Coastal Commission: Q4 2012 [phase 1], Q4 2013 [Completion Phase]


Coastal Development Permit in accordance with the California Coastal Act


California Energy Commission: Q4 2012


Approval of Petition for Certification


California Department of Public Health: Q1 2013


Permit to Operate a Public Water System


California Department of Transportation: Q4 2012


Encroachment Permit


California State Historical Preservation Office: Q4 2012


Consultation and approval for historic resources for highway encroachment



Local Agencies


Moss Landing Harbor District: Q4 2012


Lease for use of Harbor District’s Dredging Pipeline Right of Way


Lease for Intertidal zone as empowered by the State Lands Commission


Construction permit for all water system pipeline in the District jurisdiction


Monterey County Public Works Department: Q4 2012


Encroachment Permit


Monterey County Health Department Environmental Health Division: Q4 2012



Permit to Construct Desalination Facility


Monterey County Planning and Building Inspection Department: Q4 2012


Combined Coastal Development Permit and County Use Permit – Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors approvals, in accordance with California Coastal Act


Local Citizen’s Advisory Committee Approval


Grading Permit, Digging and Excavation Permit


Building Permits


Erosion Control Permit


Monterey Peninsula Water Management District: Q4 2012


Water System Expansion Permit


Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District: Q4 2012


Authority To Construct, Air Quality Protection


Permit To Operate in accordance with Air Quality Regulations


Transportation Agency for Monterey County: Q4 2012




Waste Management Authority: Q4 2012


            Wastewater system use and construction, Castroville Sanitation District


Pajaro Sunny Mesa Community Service District: Q4 2011


            Agreement for use of potable water produced


Standards for potable water




Agencies not yet identified

            Others may be required and identified