Water Demand Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

August 11, 2014




Call to Order



The meeting was called to order at 2:04 pm in the MPWMD conference room.




Committee members present:

Kristi Markey, Chair


Jeanne Byrne


Brenda Lewis




Staff members present:

David J. Stoldt, General Manager


Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Division Manager


Sara Reyes, Office Services Supervisor




Comments from the Public:

No comments.



Action Items



Consider Adoption of April 15 and June 12, 2014 Committee Meeting Minutes


Byrne offered a motion that was seconded by Lewis to adopt the April 15 and June 12, 2014 committee meeting minutes.  The motion was approved on a vote of 3 – 0 by Byrne, Lewis and Markey.



Discussion Items


Update on Public Outreach Activities in Progress


Locke presented an overview and stated the Public Outreach Committee will be given an update on August 13, 2014 on the various activities in process.




Discuss Proposed Policy on Use of Atmospheric Generators as Water Source


Stoldt presented a staff report on this item.  He stated the concept of atmospheric water generation (AWG) had been presented at an earlier Board meeting.  The committee suggested cases be handled administratively until a need develops for a more permanent process.




Discuss Response to Increased Occurrence of Outdoor Restaurant Seating


Stoldt presented arguments for the committee to discuss with regards to permitted seats and outdoor seating and how should the District handle these situations.  It was discussed whether the rule should be modified.  Byrne suggested language be incorporated to show fairness to all persons and entities under water restrictions.  Markey suggested this be discussed by the Policy and Technical Advisory Committees .  Stoldt suggested staff conduct outreach with the jurisdictions’ planning departments to discuss this matter further.




Discuss Power Washing as it Relates to Water Waste


Locke presented various scenarios and complaints her office has received on water waste.  She suggested water brooms be used in lieu of power washing.  Byrne suggested a notice be sent to the businesses to suggest water brooms and/or other options available.  One hurdle to communicating more efficiently to business owners and their staff is language barriers.  Markey suggested that if  the Rules and Regulations need to be modified, then it should be done.  Locke stated she may include modifications to Rule 11 (Definitions) as part of Ordinance No. 161.



Set Next Meeting Date

The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday, September 25 at 4 pm.




The meeting was adjourned at 2:46 pm.





