


Meeting Date:

February 13, 2020





David J. Stoldt




General Manager




Prepared By:

David J. Stoldt




CEQA Compliance:  Action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines section 15378.

















SUMMARY:  The desalination component of the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project is expected to require 30 months to construct and start-up following issuance of a permit from the California Coastal Commission (CCC).  On January 28, 2020 the CCC asked California American Water (Cal-Am) to withdraw its application and resubmit.  Because the CCC prefers to have hearings in communities near its applicants, it could be as late as September before it hears the appeal for a Coastal Development Permit.  Additionally, it is unclear whether the State Water Board will lift the Cease and Desist Order (CDO) immediately upon operations or require the project to demonstrate a year of operations first.  Hence, it could be 3 or 4 years before the CDO is lifted, and there is always the specter of additional delays.


In order for local jurisdictions to meet their desire for housing starts in the interim period, the District is considering measures to make water available to the jurisdictions (see TAC agenda Item 3).  What the District needs from each local jurisdiction is the following:


1.      Jurisdiction assesses realistic number of units that can be permitted and built in the next 4-year period


2.      Jurisdiction applies the District’s factors from Table A, below, to each type of unit


3.      Jurisdiction determines total water needed for housing during interim 4-year period


4.      Each jurisdiction sends a letter to the District stating that if the District can make an allocation of water supply available, the jurisdiction would like XX acre-feet for use on housing during the next 4-year period; Include as an attachment the breakdown of anticipated units and water required.


We would like such letters by May 1st.







Water Factors for Housing


Type of Unit

Factor (Acre-Feet)

Single Family House (Urban)

0.20 AF

Single Family House (Rural)

0.30 AF


0.12 AF

Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)

0.07 AF




“Urban” means traditional 2 ˝ to 3 bathroom home

“Rural” means unincorporated county estate with landscaping

“Multi-Family” means a mixture of 1- or 2-bathroom units combined in one or more buildings


These factors are a simple guide for estimating need.  Water permits will be based on fixture unit count of actual project plans reviewed by the District.







