


Meeting Date:

March 10, 2020





David J. Stoldt


Water Supply Projects


General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

Jonathan Lear

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on March 10, 2020 and recommended _____________________.

CEQA Compliance:   This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines section 15378.




















SUMMARY:  In addition to the Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) expansion opportunities that the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD or District) has been pursuing in the Seaside Groundwater Basin, interest has also been expressed through the MPWMD Board's Water Supply Planning Committee to investigate possible use of ASR technology at other locations.  In particular, development of an ASR project within the Carmel River Watershed in the Tularcitos Creek Sub-basin (Tularcitos Basin) has been identified as a potential supplemental water supply option for the MPWMD area.  The MPWMD currently holds a water right issued by the State Water Resources Control Board (Permit 20808B) that could be the basis for the additional water rights that would be needed for potential future ASR expansion in the Tularcitos Basin.  The project concept would be to divert Carmel River flows during high-flow winter periods to underground aquifer storage in an area of the Tularcitos Basin, for subsequent recovery and use during summer or extended dry periods.  Recovery concepts include extraction and delivery directly to the Cal-Am distribution system and/or delivery via summertime surface flow releases providing streamflow enhancement.


The area of interest in the Tularcitos Basin is outside of the MPWMD boundaries and accordingly, there is little technical information currently available in MPWMD files.  An initial effort is envisioned that would include review of existing data sources, compilation of existing well and streamflow records, creation of a database to support future investigations, and development of preliminary hydrogeologic maps and figures.


This effort was started in late 2012 when Right on Q, INC was retained to complete Phase 1 work for this study.  At that time the scope and cost of the study had been developed, but it was placed into 2 phases in case the first Phase proved the concept not possible.  In 2013, the water use fee collected on the Cal-Am bill was removed from the bill by the Administrative Law Judge reviewing the 2012, 2013, 2014 rate case.  Because that fee was the funding source for this work, work was stopped prior to completing all tasks in Phase 1.  This contract would restart the work, complete Phase 1 work, and move to Phase 2.


This study will be used, along with analysis of other potential uses for a portion of the 20808B water right, in the application to the State Water Resources Control Board for an extension of the expiration date of the water right.  The District must apply for this extension before December 2020.  


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the Committee recommend that the Board authorize staff to enter into a new contract with Right on Q, INC to complete the Tularcitos Aquifer Storage and Recovery Feasibility Analysis.


BACKGROUND:  The District currently holds a water right issued by the State Water Resources Control Board (Permit 20808B) that would be the basis for the additional water rights that would be needed for potential future ASR expansion in the Tularcitos Basin.  The work envisioned under this item would complete the feasibility analysis that started in 2012 and was interrupted in 2013.  The results of this report will identify if ASR is feasible in the Tularcitos Basin and if so, outline a field investigation program to better understand the site specific hydrogeologic conditions that will help aid with future design.  This report will also be included in the application for extension of expiration of the water right as the required proof that work is actively taking place to find reasonable and beneficial use of the water right.


IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  Planning, design, and construction of potential water supply projects are ongoing significant staff commitments as reflected in the Districts Strategic Plan and annual budgets.  Funds for this project are included in the FY 2019-2020 budget under “Water Supply Projects,” line item 1-7-1. 



2-A      Contract for services from Right on Q, Inc to perform the Tularcitos ASR Feasibility Analysis


