


Meeting Date:

October 14, 2019





David J. Stoldt


Protect Environmental Quality


General Manager

Line Item:

Project 2-6-1-A


Prepared By:

Maureen Hamilton

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel  Review:  Yes

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on October 14, 2019 and recommended ________________.

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California

Environmental Quality Act Guidelines section 15378.




















SUMMARY:  On November 4, 2014, California voters approved Proposition 1, the Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014.  Proposition 1 authorized $510 million in Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) funds.  The Department of Water Resources (DWR) administers IRWM funds.  DWR will administer the funds in 3 grant programs:  Planning, Disadvantaged Community (DAC) Involvement, and Implementation. 


Proposition 1 IRWM funds are allocated to 12 hydrologic region-based Funding Areas.  The Central Coast Funding Area (CCFA) is comprised of six IRWM Regions, including the Monterey Peninsula, Carmel Bay and Southern Monterey Bay Regional Water Management Group (Monterey Peninsula RWMG), of which MPWMD is a member.  The CCFA members entered into a Memorandum of Agreement to share Proposition 1 IRWM grant funding among the six regions in a fair and equitable manner.  The Monterey Peninsula RWMG can receive up to $3,727,865 in implementation grant funds in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement.  The implementation grant will be issued in two rounds. 


MPWMD is currently the Monterey Peninsula RWMG designated lead for making a Round 1 Implementation Grant application to DWR.  Staff is requesting authorization to submit a grant application to DWR on behalf of the Monterey Peninsula RWMG.


RECOMMENDATION:  That the Administrative Committee recommend the Board of Directors adopt Resolution 2019-16 in support of filing an application for a Proposition 1 IRWM Implementation Round 1 Grant.


BACKGROUND:  On April 18, 2016, the MPWMD Board of Directors authorized execution of the Memorandum of Agreement for Integrated Regional Water Management Planning and Funding in the Central Coast Funding Area (MOA).  The primary intent of the MOA is to share future Proposition 1 funding for the IRWM grant program among the CCFA’s 6 regions in a fair and equitable manner. Each region independently determines and prioritizes projects to be funded within its boundary. The MOA is also intended to reduce the need for the regions to compete against each other for grant funds, which creates unnecessary economic inefficiencies in implementing each region’s IRWM Plan. 


In accordance with the MOA, the Monterey Peninsula RWMG is eligible to receive $3,727,865 in implementation grant funds between the two implementation rounds.  A minimum of 10% of the funds must benefit Disadvantaged Communities (DAC).  There is no local cost share for projects wholly benefitting a DAC.


On April 15, 2019 the Board of Directors authorized funds to prepare an application to DWR for the Round 1 Implementation Grant on behalf of the Monterey Peninsula RWMG.  DWR and the Monterey Peninsula RWMG have engaged in the following Round 1 Implementation grant application activities:

·         October 5, 2018 DWR released the Draft Implementation Grant Proposal Solicitation Package. 

·         December 6, 2018 the Monterey Peninsula RWMG issued a call for projects. 

·         April 22, 2019 DWR released the Proposition 1-Round 1 IRWM Implementation Grant Program Final Proposal Solicitation Package and Final 2019 IRWM Guidelines. 

·         May 9, 2019 the Monterey Peninsula RWMG voted on projects to include in the application. 

·         September 24, 2019 the Monterey Peninsula RWMG presented the projects to DWR at a pre-application workshop designed to obtain feedback in advance of the lengthy grant application preparation.


The projects presented to DWR at the pre-application workshop were:


Project Title

Project Proponent

Coe Avenue Recycled Water Distribution Pipeline

Marina Coast Water District

Del Monte Manor Drainage Improvements (DAC)

City of Seaside

Ramona Avenue Stormwater Runoff Infiltration (DAC)

City of Monterey

West End Stormwater Management Improvements (DAC)

Sand City

Grant administration



Project descriptions can be found in the April 15, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda and Packet Item 5.


The schedule for the remaining Round 1 Implementation Grant activities are:

·         October 22, 2019 DWR issues feedback from the pre-application workshop.

·         October 23, 2019 the Monterey Peninsula RWMG will meet to discuss DWR feedback and the final grant application; meeting to be held at MPWMD at 2:00 pm. 

·         December 15, 2019 deadline for the application.

·         Mid-2020 estimated grant award.


If the Monterey Peninsula RWMG is awarded grant funds and MPWMD authorizes the General Manager to enter into grant agreements, MPWMD would be responsible for grant administration.  Grant administration is to be funded out of the grant.  Grant administration for DAC projects have no local cost share or a scaled local cost share commensurate with DAC benefit.  Grant administration for non-DAC projects require 50% local cost share.  The grant administration local cost share for the non-DAC projects will be provided by the proponent, MPWMD in-kind services, or MPWMD funds already expended to prepare the grant application.



3-A      Resolution No. 2019-16


