
Consider Entering into a Reimbursement Agreement with California American Water and Act as Lead CEQA Agency for Los Padres Dam Outlet Modifications


Meeting Date:

November 14, 2022





David J. Stoldt,

General Manager


Protect Environmental Quality



Line Item:

Program – Aquatic Resources Fisheries


Prepared By:

Maureen Hamilton,

District Engineer

Cost Estimate:

$35,000 (Reimbursable)


General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  Administrative Committee has not reviewed this item.

CEQA Compliance:   This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines section 15378.






















SUMMARY:  California American Water (Cal Am) is proposing to modify the existing low-level regulating outlet at the Los Padres Dam and Reservoir (Proposed Project). The Proposed Project is essential to reliably meet existing environmental mandates for sustaining aquatic organisms in the Carmel River and upstream fish passage at Los Padres Dam. 


The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) is the CEQA Lead Agency for the Proposed Project at Cal Am’s request.  The California Department of Water Resources Division of Safety of Dams (CA-DWR DSOD) and California Department of Fish and Wildlife declined to be CEQA Lead Agency due to staffing limitations. 


The Proposed Project includes work within the Los Padres Reservoir and the Carmel River.  There is no existing environmental documentation suitable for the Proposed Project work.


The CEQA Lead Agency work will be fully reimbursable by Cal Am.  The work will be performed by MPWMD staff.  A budget line item for the reimbursable work will be added during the mid-year budget process.


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the Board of Directors:


a.       Authorize MPWMD to act as CEQA Lead Agency for the Los Padres Dam Outlet Modification Project, and

b.      Authorize the General Manager to enter into a reimbursement agreement with Cal Am in the amount not-to-exceed $35,000 for the Los Padres Dam Outlet Modification Project CEQA Lead Agency work.


BACKGROUND:  The low-level flow regulating outlet (Outlet Works) consists of a 30-inch diameter pipe that penetrates through the western base of the dam. The Outlet Works functions include:


1)      Providing a way to drain the reservoir in case of an emergency, decreasing potential for dam failure.


2)      Suppling water to critical fish passage and instream flow infrastructure required to maintain Endangered Species Act listed species in the Carmel River. The low-level regulating outlet is the only permanent source of water that is operable throughout the full range of reservoir operating conditions.


Rockslides that occurred in 2018, 2019, and 2020 covered the existing lower outlet with debris, reducing the Outlet Works reliability and capacity. Despite several attempts by Cal Am contracted divers to clear the debris, the Outlet Works capacity remains diminished.


Failure of the system to function properly following the rockslide events necessitated implementation of interim measures to continue operation of the existing facilities. Interim measures include a combination of pumping, siphoning, and clearing debris from the outlet. These current interim measures are not sustainable over the full range of reservoir conditions. Additionally, the landslide potential in this area is expected to persist over time, and mitigation of the slope instability is infeasible as a potential solution.

The Proposed Project includes the following work:


  1. Relocation of the Outlet Works’ intake to a location outside of the projected rockfall hazard area.

2.      A new underwater pipeline from the new intake to the existing outlet pipe.

3.      Replacement of downstream outlet valves and the pipeline from the downstream outlet works to the fish trap.

4.      Re-grading the access road on the north side of spillway bridge.


The reimbursement agreement would fund CEQA Lead Agency work for the Proposed Project.  MPWMD staff has the capacity to perform the CEQA Lead Agency work.



16-A    Reimbursement Agreement for CEQA Lead Agency Work Required for Los Padres Dam Outlet Modifications



U:\staff\Boardpacket\2022\20221114\Action Items\16\Item-16.docx