


Meeting Date:

December 13, 2021





David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

David J. Stoldt

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation: N/A

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378.



















ASR:  All major construction complete. 


Desalination Project (MPWSP):  Nothing to report.


Pure Water Monterey Project:


·         Total PWM water recharged to date about 4,900 AF ( ~ 1.6 billion gallons delivered).


·         Reclamation Ditch PS and Blanco Drain PS are operational.


·         Salinas Stormwater Phase 1A & 1B facilities are available for use.


·         Advanced Water Purification Facility is fully operational.


·         Water Conveyance Pipeline & Blackhorse Reservoir are conveying purified water full-time to the injection facilities.


·         All injection wells in service; nominal injection rate holding steady at 300 AF per month.


·         PWM permitting activities with the State Division of Drinking Water and the RWQCB continue with a follow-up extrinsic tracer study which was started October 21.


·         The current Injection Wells Phase 3 schedule still shows impacts due to late delivery of the two Deep Injection Wells (DIW’s) backflush pumps. As a result, for example, DIW-3 first injection is now early February 2022.


·         The procurement delays of the backflush pumps being supplied by National Pump Company are the result of their global and national-level material supply chain impacts; they are expediting their Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers for improved delivery dates. Positive news since the last Board update is these key backflush pump components have arrived at the construction site or the Contractors warehouse: two 500 hp pump motors and enough pump column pipe for DIW-3. Major pump components still needed on-site are the pump bowl assemblies, pump drive shafts, and the medium-voltage power cables.  A revised schedule is attached as Exhibit 7-A.


Expanded Pure Water Monterey


·         Memorandum of Understanding to agree to sign the Water Purchase Agreement if approved by the CPUC has been executed by all three parties.


·         Amendment 6 to the Cost Sharing Agreement with M1W has been approved by both parties and signatures being gathered.


·         M1W and MPWMD staff worked with City of Seaside staff to secure permission for the Injection Wells Phase 4 DIW exploratory borings. State-wide drill rig availability has the exploratory borings now being started after the Thanksgiving break.


·         Expanded PWM permitting and design activities for both construction bid packages, AWPF expansion and Injection Wells Phase 4 (which includes DIW-5 & DIW-6), are ongoing with their Basis of Design Reports (BODR’s) completed, and now are moving into final design.


·         Expanded PWM construction will start in early September 2022, with substantial completion of the new water supply facilities by the end of 2023.


·         M1W and MPWMD staff have also been meeting with City of Seaside staff to initiate the final property easement acquisition process for all the PWM injection well field facilities.



7-A      Executive Level Project Schedule




U:\staff\Boardpacket\2021\20211213\GM Report\07\Item-7.docx