


Meeting Date:

May 18, 2020





David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item No.:




Prepared By:

Beverly Chaney

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378.

AQUATIC HABITAT AND FLOW CONDITIONS:  After a very dry winter, wet weather finally came in between mid-March and early April and the river responded favorably. Mainstem April flows exceeded 75% of the long-term values (Acre Feet) and passage conditions improved to “excellent” for both in and outmigration of adult steelhead and outmigration of smolts. Rearing conditions for juveniles also improved to “excellent”.

April’s mean daily streamflow at the Sleepy Hollow Weir rose from 88 to 699 cubic-feet-per-second (cfs) (monthly mean 185 cfs) resulting in 11,040 acre-feet (AF) of runoff. Mean daily streamflow at the Highway 1 gage rose from 92 to 789 cfs (monthly mean 206 cfs, the highest of the 2020 Water Year) resulting in 12,260 acre-feet (AF) of runoff.

There were 1.97 inches of rainfall in April as recorded at the San Clemente gauge. The rainfall total for WY 2020 (which started on October 1, 2019) is 17.39 inches, or 85% of the long-term year-to-date average of 20.48 inches. 

LOS PADRES DAM ADULT STEELHEAD COUNT:  The Los Padres Dam fish ladder and trap started operating on December 12, 2019. The ladder was turned on and off intermittently since mid-February due to continued movement of the large landslide in the reservoir that is affecting the outlet pipe. There were 44 adult steelhead in April, including 27 on April 4th as a large storm hit the region. For the year, 65 adult steelhead, and two resident adults, have been trapped and transported above the dam; seven of those were tagged by National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) crews, and two of the captured fish had been tagged last year (recaptures).

CARMEL RIVER LAGOON:  The lagoon mouth opened on December 3, 2019. In April, the lagoon was primarily open with the water surface elevation (WSE) ranging from ~3.9 – 8.9 feet (North American Vertical Datum of 1988; NAVD 88) (See graph below).

Water quality depth-profiles were not conducted in April due to the Covid-19 shutdown but a spot check on April 21, when the lagoon was open, found excellent DO and temperature levels and low salinity.

Carmel River Lagoon Plot:






