


Meeting Date:

May 18, 2020





David J. Stoldt




General Manager

Line Item No.:    



Prepared By:

David J. Stoldt

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  Water Demand Committee met May 7, 2020 and voted 3-0 to recommend maintaining Board discretion (status quo)

CEQA Compliance:  Action does not constitute a project as defined by CEQA

















SUMMARY:  At its April 2, 2020 meeting the Water Demand Committee deferred action on the City of Monterey’s request for an allocation of water from the District Reserve Allocation, as discussed under Item 11 of this Board agenda.  Conversation ensued among Committee members whether (a) the balance in the Reserve should be allocated equally to the jurisdictions for their near-term use, or (b) it should be retained by the Board for use at its discretion.


The District Reserve was established by Ordinance 182 adopted by the Board at its May 20, 2019 meeting.  That Ordinance restored a definition to Rule 11, which had been removed when the District Reserve Allocation was eliminated in 1995:


"District Reserve Allocation" shall mean a quantity of water held/or use at the discretion of the District. 


It also re-established Rule 33-B: 


The District Reserve Allocation shall refer to a quantity of water available for use at the District's discretion. The District Reserve Allocation can be augmented by dedications of water from a Water Entitlement, Water Use Credit, Water Credit, or a new Source of Supply


Use of the word “discretion” was intentional and derived from direction provided to staff by the Water Supply Planning Committee at its February 21, 2018 meeting.  At that meeting under the agenda item “Discuss Reinstatement of District Reserve and Policy for Use,” The committee discussed establishment of a District reserve, and if it should be restricted to projects that provide a public benefit or if it could be allocated for jurisdictional use. During the discussion committee members opined that: (a) only for public benefit projects; (b) Board should determine if a project provides a public benefit; (c) each request should be determined on its merit by the Board – not according to a list of qualifying projects; and (d) project should not be growth inducing.


Water allocated from the Reserve would not allow new meters to be set outside of the current moratorium.


Water Demand Committee met May 7, 2020 and voted 3-0 to recommend maintaining Board discretion (status quo).


RECOMMENDATION:  The Committee recommends the Board should decide whether (a) the balance in the Reserve should be allocated equally to the jurisdictions, or (b) it should be retained by the Board for use at its discretion. Committee and staff recommendations are to maintain the status quo.








