
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A CEQA ADDENDUM to the ASR EIR/EA for THE water treatment facility MODIFICATION (Subject to CEQA Review per CEQA Guideline Sections 15162 and 15164)


Meeting Date:

July 15, 2019





David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item:



Prepared By:

Maureen Hamilton

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  Yes

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  Addendum to EIR under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15164



















SUMMARY:  Permanent water treatment facilities at MPWMD’s Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Santa Margarita site located at 1910 General Jim Moore Boulevard must be constructed.  Improvements to the water treatment facilities analyzed in the MPWMD ASR Project Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment (ASR EIR/EA) are required to accommodate production from Cal-Am’s Seaside Middle School ASR site and to provide space for additional water treatments.  The improvements include increased capacity, a second building, and an exterior injection manifold. 


An evaluation of the environmental impacts due to the Water Treatment Facility Modification (Project) was prepared (Exhibit 18-A).  The evaluation found that the Project would not result in any new significant environmental effects that cannot be mitigated with existing, previously identified mitigation measures in the ASR EIR/EA. 


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 2019-11 (Exhibit 18-B) adopting the Water Treatment Facility Modification Addendum as Addendum 5 to the ASR EIR/EA.


DISCUSSION:  MPWMD’s Phase 1 ASR Project, located at 1910 General Jim Moore Boulevard, included construction of two ASR wells and a backflush basin sized to accommodate backflush water from two wells.  Construction of a water treatment facility for disinfection, sized to accommodate the Santa Margarita site, was environmentally evaluated in the ASR EIR/EA.


On August 21, 2006 the MPWMD Board adopted Findings, adopted the Mitigation and Monitoring Plan, certified the Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment for the Phase 1 ASR Project, and approved the Phase 1 ASR Project.  Documents for this action are incorporated by reference and are available at the MPWMD office or on the web at:; the Draft ASR EIR/EA is available on the web at:; and the Final EIR/EA for the Phase 1 ASR Project is available on the web at:


The ASR Water Project 2, located at 2111 General Jim Moore Boulevard, included construction of two ASR wells and an electrical building.  Construction of a backflush basin was environmentally evaluated, but was disallowed by the school board because the site is elevated above a playground.  Water treatment at the site was not environmentally evaluated because the school board disallowed storage of any chemicals at that ASR site.  Water treatment for water produced from the Seaside Middle School property would be designed in the future.


On April 16, 2012 the MPWMD Board approved and adopted the Addendum to the Phase 1 ASR EIR/EA, adopted the April 2012 Mitigation Monitoring Plan, and approved the full implementation of ASR Water Project 2.  Documents for this action are incorporated by reference and are available at the MPWMD office or on the web at:


The Hilby Avenue Pump Station project enabled the ASR project to take better advantage of existing water rights granted by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to divert excess winter Carmel River flows.  The Hilby Avenue Pump Station provided lift capacity to move water up from the Monterey Pipeline to the ASR injection sites.  


On June 20, 2016 the MPWMD Board approved the Hilby Avenue Pump Station and adopted the Hilby Avenue Pump Station Addendum as Addendum 2 to the ASR EIR/EA by Resolution No. 2016-12.  Documents for this action are incorporated by reference, and are available at the MPWMD office or on the web at:


The MPWMD Board authorized issuance of WDS Permit Amendment #M16-01-L3 for the Monterey Pipeline and Hilby Pump Station on June 20, 2016.  MPWMD became Lead Agency for the Monterey Pipeline and Hilby Pump Station under CEQA Section 15367.


On February 22, 2017 the MPWMD Board approved a realignment of a segment of the Monterey Pipeline and adopted the Monterey Pipeline Addendum as Addendum 3 to the ASR EIR/EA by Resolution No. 2017-03. Documents for this action are incorporated by reference and are available at the District office or on the web at:


The Santa Margarita backflush basin approved in the 2006 ASR EIR/EA needed to be substantially expanded to accommodate backflush water from the Seaside Middle School site and the future Fitch Park ASR site because the latter two sites cannot accommodate a backflush basin.


On July 16, 2018 the MPWMD Board adopted the Backflush Basin Expansion Addendum as Addendum 4 to the ASR EIR/EA by Resolution No. 2018-17.  Documents for this action are incorporated by reference and are available at the District office or on the web at:  


The Santa Margarita water treatment facility must be modified to accommodate produced water from the Seaside Middle School site and additional treatments that the Regional Water Quality Control Board Division of Drinking Water may require.  Modifications to the original ASR EIR that were evaluated include:

·         a new building to house treatment works[1],

·         a delivery system, and

·         a water treatment manifold constructed outside and located in between the buildings.


Potential impacts from the construction and operation of the Project will be similar to the impacts associated with other activities at the ASR sites including impacts to air quality, noise, and sensitive species.  All appropriate measures to reduce impacts to less than significant described in the adopted 2006 and 2012 Mitigation and Monitoring Programs would apply to the Project.


CEQA Guidelines section 15162 “Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations” and 15164 “Addendum to an EIR or Negative Declaration” apply to this action.  Under Section 15162, there are no new significant environmental effects nor new mitigation measures necessary from the proposed earthmoving activity.  The proposed Project constitutes a technical change that under CEQA Section 15164 allows the Board to adopt an addendum to the existing EIR/EA, which has been amended by previous Addenda.  The addendum for the Project consists of this staff note, the Water Treatment Facility Modification Addendum (Exhibit 18-A), Findings of Environmental Review and the Resolution (Exhibit 18-B).


Figure 1 – Santa Margarita ASR Facility Map



18-A    Addendum No. 5 to the ASR EIR/EA for Water Treatment Facility Modification

18-B    Resolution 2019-11



[1] The new building will be similar in size and architecture to the existing building on-site.  Chemicals stored inside the building will be below-grade with double containment.