


Meeting Date:

August 18, 2008





Darby Fuerst,


Water Supply Projects


General Manager

Line Item No.: 


Prepared By:

Andrew M. Bell,

Cost Estimate:


District Engineer                                                  



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  Provided under separate cover is the report by Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM) and ICF Jones & Stokes Associates (JSA) titled “Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, 95-10 Project Constraints Analysis” and dated August 2008.  Copies of the report are available for public review at the District office.  The report contains a description of the steps taken in conducting the constraints analysis, findings of the studies, and conclusions regarding data gaps and next steps.  The report also contains costs and a timeline for potential next steps, should the Board decide to proceed with the project.


RECOMMENDATION:  The Board should receive a presentation by consultants CDM and JSA representatives, receive public comment, and discuss the consultants’ findings.  If the Board decides to proceed with the project, the Board should direct staff to amend the existing consultant agreements to authorize the next phase of studies (“Complete Policy Review for Projects”).  Adequate funds are available under the existing agreements to fund this next phase, estimated by the consultants to cost between $13,000 and $19,000 and to be completed in October 2008.


BACKGROUND:  At the January 24, 2008 Board meeting, the Board endorsed Director Brower’s request to direct staff to prepare a report on requirements to update the MPWMD 95-10 Project, a seawater desalination project proposed to be located in Sand City that was most recently studied by MPWMD in 2004.  At the April 21, 2008 Board meeting, the Board authorized a first phase of studies, termed a “constraints analysis,” to be conducted by CDM and JSA for a not-to-exceed amount of $170,000.  The study was financed from the District’s Flood and Drought Reserve fund.  The study was to be completed within 90 days of the notice to proceed, with the results presented at the August 2008 Board meeting.


IMPACT TO DISTRICT STAFF/RESOURCE:  Funds for the constraints analysis are included in the FY 2007-08 and 2008-09 budgets.  As can be seen in the section of the report titled “Data Gaps and Next Steps,” the costs to conduct needed studies through the Final EIR stage would be significant.  However, adequate funds are available in the existing consultant agreements to fund the first phase of these studies (“Complete Policy Review for Projects,” estimated to cost from $13,000 to $19,000 – see Table 6 on page 68 of the report). The consultant contracts for the constraints analysis were administered by District Engineer Andrew Bell.



