Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Strategic Planning Initiatives Progress Report

August 18, 2003 Update






Progress Report




Evaluate and Certify EIR on Water Augmentation Projects in Compliance with CEQA and NEPA


District staff and consultants, in coordination with local, state and federal agency staff, continued the permitting process to install geotechnical and geophysical testing equipment along the coast in the Sand City/Fort Ord area to confirm the feasibility of the HDD "slant wells" for the proposed desalination project.  Formal permit applications were submitted to the cities of Sand City and Seaside, U.S. Army, California Coastal Commission, California Department of Parks and Recreation (CDPR), and Regional Water Quality Control Board.   To date, permits have been issued by Sand City, CDPR, and the City of Seaside.  Rough draft chapter text is being developed for the EIR.  District staff continues to participate in California Public Utilities Commission hearings and related communications regarding California-American Water Company’s proposed water projects, associated water rates and lead agency issues. 





Revise the Water Permit Process





A Request for Proposal was issued on July 1, 2003 for the Policies and Procedures manual.  The response deadline was August 8, 2003, and two responses were received.  A recommendation will be considered by the Board at the August 28, 2003 meeting.




Develop Seaside Basin Ground Water Management Plan



District received six comment letters on the NOP for the proposed ground water management ordinances.  This information is being used by Jones & Stokes to assist with development of the EIR for this project.  Staff is currently coordinating with Jones and Stokes Associates and its consultants on preparation of the draft EIR and associated technical documents.





Develop Storm Water Reuse Plan




Pursuant to direction by the Board at the 1/16/2002 strategic planning session, storm water reuse has been incorporated into the water supply augmentation initiative.




Increase Innovative and Effective Conservation Practices


The Water Demand Committee received an update on this initiative on 4/8/03. Work on this initiative is on hold pending completion of the Revise the Water Permit Processes strategic initiative.

