Table A-14. Summary of Legal, Regulatory, and Other Alternatives

Project Description

Water Yield

Cost Parameters
(1998 dollars)

Project Timing and Life

Environmental Issues

Conclusions and Other
Comments *
Obtain additional water rights from SWRCB, including Pueblo Rights Unknown. Depends on SWRCB determinations on Table 13 applicants, and Cal-am production to serve Carmel Valley. Legal fees; no facility costs.

At least 2-4 years for EIR and hearings.

Litigation on 1995 decisions has been settled.

Increased rights would legalize more diversions from Carmel River, which impact fish and wildlife. Additional rights other than Table 13 not reasonably foreseeable. Speculative to predict Table 13 outcome. This evaluation assumes only existing rights.
Change relationship between land use and water availability. Concepts include coordinating land use and supply, restricting certain and uses, and changing MPWMD allocation program None anticipated. Focus of these efforts would be to constrain growth to within existing supply.

Unknown. No facilities needed; ordinance enforcement and planning costs.

Litigation costs are likely with some suggested provisions.

Unknown. Assume 6 months to several years for ordinance development and major changes to general plans. If permanent reduction in allocation, could help reduce impacts to Carmel River. Not reasonably foreseeable option if it entails "taking" of legal lots or discrimination. Change in political climate for planning could occur, but is difficult to predict.
Reduce impacts to Carmel River environment by refining Cal-Am delivery system and watershed management No yield involved; focus is improvement of river habitat. Not defined at present; studies and planning efforts are have just begun. 1-4 years; system improvements and HCP expected in near future. Potential improvement to streamflow and habitat for threatened species. Expected to occur in next 1-4 years. Cal-Am improvements are required by SWRCB, if feasible. ESA Section 10 requires Habitat Conservation Plan for threatened species.
No action to address problem Assume 60% permanent rationing due to enforcement of Order WR 95-10 by SWRCB. Unknown. Significant economic impact to community. Unknown. CPUC or other entity likely to take action. Public health and safety concerns; socio-economic impacts to residents and businesses. Not reasonably foreseeable as CPUC has stated such an option is unacceptable. Action of some sort would occur.

* "Feasible" means project is a reasonably foreseeable means to provide lawful supply for Cal-Am water system.
See text for further discussion.