Exhibit 2  


NOTICE of RECEIPT of PRE-APPLICATION to Create a Water Distribution System – Required Well Testing Includes Option to Monitor Your Well for Possible Impact

Today’s Date:  ______

Date Pre-Application Received:  _________

System/Applicant Name: ______

APN: ______

Address/Location:  ______

Applicant’s Consultant (hydrogeologist):  ____ (name, phone, e-mail) ____


Dear Sir or Madam:

As a Neighboring Well owner located within 1,000/300 feet of a Well located on the parcel referenced above, this notice is written to inform you that a Pre-Application to create or amend a Water Distribution System (WDS) has been submitted to the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD).  The District has determined that a WDS Permit is needed, which includes a Well test and impact assessment according to MPWMD standards.  Pursuant to MPWMD Rule 21-A, the Applicant must give you the opportunity to have your Well monitored during the test, which typically lasts 72 hours and occurs between June 1 and November 30.

** See over for website links to MPWMD Rules and other information**


Your contact information and certain Well information on file have been provided to the Applicant’s consultant (hydrogeologist) on a need-to-know basis.  The consultant should contact you at least 14 days before a potential Well test date to explain the option to have your Well monitored.  He/she will explain the Well data you need to provide and restrictions on use during the test if you choose to have your Well monitored.  He/she will coordinate with you, drillers and Health Department staff regarding test dates.  The MPWMD is not involved in those logistics.  Questions about test dates should be directed to the Applicant’s consultant (see above).

** See the attached guide to data needs and “down time” required for Well monitoring**


Well monitoring is voluntary.  If you choose not to have your Well monitored, other methods are used to calculate the potential effect of the new Well on Neighboring Wells such as yours.


The Pre-Application is a public record and is available for inspection, with the exception of certain protected Well data.   Contact MPWMD staff to learn more (see over).


In the future, you will receive notice from MPWMD when (a) a formal Application package is received, which includes the results of the Well testing; and (b) when a WDS Permit decision is made by staff.  These future notifications will also advise you of the appeal process.   To save time and resources, you may opt for notification via e-mail.  Please e-mail the MPWMD contact below to request e-mail notification.



Please see over for MPWMD contacts and website links for more information.



MPWMD Staff Contact: 

Please contact Henrietta Stern at henri@mpwmd.net or 831/658-5621 if you have questions on the subject Pre-Application or WDS process.  Please e-mail this staff person if you wish to be contacted by e-mail in the future regarding the complete application determination, the WDS Permit decision or if you have other questions. 



MPWMD Website Links:

For comprehensive information on MPWMD procedures and requirements for water Wells, please visit the MPWMD website at:  http://www.mpwmd.dst.ca.us/pae/wds/wds.htm.  The protocol for notifying Neighboring Well owners as part of the WDS Permit process is Memorandum #7 on this webpage.


The MPWMD Rules & Regulations are updated regularly.  For the most recent version, it is best to visit the MPWMD homepage at: http://www.mpwmd.dst.ca.us/

Then click on “Rules and Regulations.”  Then select the desired rule, such as Rule 21-A.


Ordinance No. 150 is on the website at:

http://www.mpwmd.dst.ca.us/ordinances/ordinances.htm   Select “Ordinance No. 150.”



Monitor Well Data Needs and Other Information

See the attached 2-page guide entitled, “Guidelines for Data Collected from Monitored Neighboring Wells Associated with Pumping Tests for MPWMD Water Distribution System Permits.”







U:\Henri\wp\ceqa\2012\WDS2012\ORD150\Ord150Guidelines_Exh2_PreApp Notice_20120619.docx  

revised 6/26/2012 by H. Stern