Schedule for the Monterey Peninsula, Carmel Bay, and South Monterey Bay Integrated Regional Water Management Plan               
  Responsible 2006
Task No. Description Agency Hours Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1.1 Initial review/editing/feedback of sections 2.0 through 14.0 1 40                        
  a) Review of current water resource plans in IRWMP region                          
  b) Identify a set of plans and strategies for a functionally equivalent Plan                          
1.2 Prepare executive summary (summary not to exceed 10 pages of text) 1 40                        
  a) Summarize key issues, plan objectives, region priorities, and recommendations                          
2.1 Geographic and political boundaries 1                        
  a) Revise the GIS and Region map as necessary                          
  b) Provide web-ready images that can be viewed                        
2.4 Major water infrastructure 1 80                        
  a) survey of major water infrastructure within planning region                          
  b) identify major trunk lines, sanitary sewer, storm water; pumping facilities, etc.                          
  c) estimate the total quantity of water handled by all water systems                        
2.6 Important ecological processes and environmental resources 1 816                        
  a) Conduct thorough review of distribution and abundance special status species                          
  b) Assess effects of water management strategies/projects on Special-Status species                          
  c) Develop specific measures to compensate for potential impacts                          
4.3.3. Evaluate water conservation efforts 1 1214 gt hrs                        
  a.) Summarize the findings from reports                          
  b.) Prioritize potential retrofit programs based on cost/benefit                          
  c.) Develop proposal to expand District conservation program                          
  d.) Identify key issues, problems, and criteria                          
4.3.4. Expand Seaside Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project 1 dave=320,joe?                        
  a) Conduct hydrologic modeling using the MPWMD CVSIM model                          
  b) Continue preparation of the EIR/EA on the Phase 1 ASR Project                          
  c) Prepare preliminary Phase 1 ASR site plans                          
  d) Continue work on Phase 1 ASR project permit applications and notifications                          
4.4. Restore ecosystems 1 120                        
  a) Develop criteria to prioritize restoration projects and site locations                          
  b) Seek agency input                          
  c) Describe iinfrastructure and projects                          
4.4.1. Update the Carmel River Management Plan 1 296                        
  a) Evaluate the effectiveness of the CRMP                          
  b) Describe physical and biological constraints to restoration                          
  c) Revise the CRMP to incorporate new information                          
4.4.2. Prioritize Carmel River watershed projects described in the Carmel River Watershed Conservancy Action Plan  3 48                Confirm TAC members participation (15 people)                  Hire a technical writer to support TAC process and development of final WAP                  Reconvene the Technical Advisory Committee                  First Meeting:                  Second meeting                  Third meeting                  Fourth meeting                  Fifth meeting                   Sixth and final TAC meeting                  Hold two public workshops to review process                  Hold first public workshop to review Watershed Action Plan                   Hold second Public Workshop following the fifth meeting                  August – Publish final Carmel River Watershed Action Plan                          
4.5.1. Conduct feasibility studies to eliminate storm water discharges to Pacific Grove and Carmel Bay ASBS Pacific Grove ASBS Alternatives Analysis 4                        
  a.) Meet with Interested Staff and Refine Alternatives                          
  b.) Compile Existing Information                          
  c.) Prepare Schematic Representation of Alternatives                          
  d.) Refine Concepts With Interested Staff                          
  e.) Perform Water Quality Testing                          
  f.) Prepare Draft Report                          
  g.) Review Draft Report by Interested Staff                          
  h.) Submit Final Report                          
4.5.5. Seaside Groundwater Basin 1                        
  a.) Review Principles and Procedures in Tentative Decision for developing the Seaside Basin Monitoring and Management Plan (Exhibit A, Tentative Decision)                          
  b.) Assist watermaster in development of Basin Monitoring and Management Plan                          
  c.) Prepare final recommendations for Basin Monitoring and Management Plan                          
  d.) Conduct public hearing to consider adoption of the Seaside Basin Monitoring and Management Plan                          
4.6.1. Carmel River Parkway Planning- Phase II and III 2                        
  a.) Agency meetings facilitated; agreement on scope of work for meetings reached; landowner outreach completed; funding prospects identified.                          
  b.) Scope of work for design and engineering plans developed; hydrology & geomorphology contractors interviewed and selected; permit applications developed; community awareness of, and readiness for implementation.                          
4.7.3. Identify barrier beach management options at the Carmel River Lagoon  1 712                        
  a) Update Lagoon storage volume vs. elevation (stage)                          
  b) Review Lagoon hydrodynamics during three seasonal breaching periods                          
  c) Provide results to Lagoon TAC                          
5.5 Flood and erosion-prone areas 1 and 5 80                        
  a) Identify areas that can be used to convey or detain floodwaters                          
5.5.4 Canyon Del Rey 1 and 5 40                        
  a) Identify potential improvements to drainage and bank stability                          
  b) Recommend drainage improvements and methods to stabilize eroding banks                          
5.8 Wetlands enhancement and creation projects in the Carmel River watershed 3 80                        
  a) Identify and prioritize wetlands enhancement and creation projects                          
  b) Identify potential restoration and enhancement sites for on site inspections                          
  c) Document potential restoration and enhancement sites                          
5.13.3 Categorical Plans 1 60                        
  a) Prepare a short summary of categorical plans                          
  b) Identify water management strategies and priorities described in local plans                          
  c) Review management strategies proposed in the IRWM Plan                          
  d) Make stakeholder planning documents available over the internet                          
6.0 Prioritization of projects within the Region 1,6 160                        
  a) Review current method for ranking priorities/projects                          
  b) Hold a minimum of two workshops involving the stakeholder group                          
  c) Complete a feasibility matrix                          
  d) Propose a process and schedule for reviewing and reprioritizing projects                          
  e) Identify problems and issues within the Region                          
7.0 Project implementation 1,6 215                        
  a) Develop a standard format for project proposals                          
  b) Solicit project proposals from stakeholders                          
  c) Conduct at least two meetings of a TAC or stakeholder group                          
  d) Evaluate the feasibility of forming and maintaining a permanent stakeholder group                          
7.2 Describe performance measures 1,6 80                        
  a) Establish project performance goals and review schedule                          
  b) Develop a procedure to submit, review, and track project information.                          
  c) Identify agency(ies) responsible for monitoring project performance.                          
8.0 Analysis of Impacts and Benefits  1,6 200                        
  a) Conduct impact analysis of Plan elements and strategies                            
  Circulate Administrative Draft of Region Plan 1                          
  Comments on Draft due 6                          
  Complete Final Draft of Region Plan 1                          
  Review Region Plan for CEQA Compliance 1                          
  Formal Adoption of Region Plan 6                          
Responsible Agencies
1 Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
2 Big Sur Land Trust, Nature Conservancy, Carmel River Watershed Conservancy, Monterey Peninsula Regional Parks District
3 Carmel River Watershed Conservancy
4 City of Monterey (representing Cities of Carmel-by-the-Sea, Pacific Grove, and the Pebble Beach Co.)
5 Monterey County Water Resources Agency (also staff for Community Service Area 50)
6 Stakeholder Group