Roadmap for a Definitive Agreement

On Source Waters and Water Recycling



Task Area 1:  Definitive Legal Agreement(s)


·         October                 Meet to determine who drafts and timeline for drafting and review;  Attorneys

provide first draft;  Stakeholder group provides review; Public discussion

·         November             Identify and begin drafting other agreements as necessary;  Determine

 role/relationship to Definitive Agreement

MRWPCA – MCWRA Fourth Amendment

MRWPCA – Salinas Operations and Financing Agreement

MRWPCA – MCWD Pipeline Lease Agreement

MPWMD – MRWPCA Recycled Water Purchase Agreement

MPWMD – Cal-Am Wholesale Water Sales Agreement

·         December             First Draft  of Definitive Agreement circulated

·         December 31       MRWPCA – MCWRA Accounting Protocol Agreement

·         January/Feb          Public Outreach; Modifications as necessary

·         March                    Definitive Agreement Finalized


Task Area 2:  Water Availability & Water Quality


dry year, average year considerations;  Impact on facilities & costs


Task Area 3:  Financial Issues


·         October                 10% Design Capital Costs identified

·         Oct – Jan                Rate Study to develop interruptible rate for cost of treatment

·         Nov-Dec                 Meet with stakeholders to discuss pro rata share and amount of capital costs

And initial Prop 218 strategies

·         Dec-Jan                  Develop alternative CSIP funding allocations & Prop 218 strategies

·         February                3rd Party review of costs/facilities

·         February                Public Outreach

·         February                Finalize estimated costs, allocations, and Prop 218 strategy

·         March                    Incorporate into Definitive Agreement


Task Area 4:  Water Rights


·         October                 Meet to establish strategy for water rights application

·         November             Meet with new SWRCB staffer Mitchell Moody; Tour of area facilities;

Confirm strategy for water rights application

·         January                  Determine if project appears to be moving forward;  Prepare revision to

Water rights application

·         April                       If Definitive Agreement reached, file amended water rights application



