Implementation Plan

Water Project 5

Increasing Capacity at Los Padres Dam



In this project, two scenarios would be examined:


Dredging in order to restore an original water right.


Original Water Right (1948)                                                                      3,030 AF

Current Right (reduced by Order 95-10)                                             2,179 AF

Restored Right                                                                                                    851 AF


Estimated Storage                                                                                          1,775 AF

Sediment Removal Required to Restore 1948 Right                       1,255 AF

                                                                                                                                                3,030 AF


Additional water provided for stream flow:                                       404 AF (1,255 minus 851)


A seasonal rubber dam and transfer a portion of District’s 20808 Water Right.


The existing spillway is 18 feet below the dam height.  It is contemplated that 5 to 10 feet of height can be added during certain times of the year to increase storage without inundating the Ventana Wilderness.  This would provide 340 AF to 680 AF of new capacity.  It is recognized that spillway modifications and widening may be required, as will enhanced fish passage.



Work Plan Tasks


Assumes starting once Board approves a course of action.  Timeline will need to factor in approval dates, preparation of bids, and bidder response time.


Task 1:  Dredging Feasibility Study


Budget: $200,000

Timeline:  6 months



Task 2:  Preliminary Design


A consulting engineer will be hired to develop conceptual layout, sizing, and costs for a prospective rubber dam, including any required alterations to the spillway, as well as fish passageway redesign.


Budget: $50,000 - $100,000

Timeline:  2 months



Task 3:  Dam Feasibility Study


Geotechnical investigation of the dam, spillway, and adjacent area to determine ability to accommodate rubber dam;  Seismic stability review of dam, spillway, and adjacent embankment; and hydrology for maximum flood and routing through reservoir.


Budget: $150,000 - $200,000

Timeline:  4 months



Task 4:  Develop Detailed Project Description


Consultant will identify and carry out additional field studies that are needed to further refine the project.  Finalize the project description for the EIR, including site layout, dewatering and disposal plan, and new facilities to be constructed.   Cost estimates will be prepared.


Budget: $40,000 - $80,000

Timeline:  4 months



Task 5:  Prepare Environmental Impact Report


An Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared to satisfy the CEQA process.  


Budget: $250,000 - $500,000

Timeline:  12 months



Task 6:  Detailed Design and Construction Bid Documents


Assumed at 10% of construction.


Budget: $7,823,000

Timeline:  18 months



Task 7:  Permitting and Environmental


Budget: $250,000 - $300,000

Timeline:  20 months, overlaps with Detailed Design



Task 8:  Construction and Start-Up




1,255 acre-feet = 2,024,315 cubic yards.


Using 1996 Moffat study updated to current dollars:  $41,062,000 to $78,839,000


Using USBR report for dredging and transport:  $24,292,000 to $60,730,000


Average of all 4 figures:  $51,230,000


Fish Passage Improvements:  $15,000,000


Rubber Dam and Spillway Improvements:  $12,000,000


Budget: $78,230,000

Timeline:  22 months



Summary of Estimated Costs (DRAFT)



Task 1:  Dredging Feasibility Study


Task 2:  Preliminary Design


Task 3:  Dam Feasibility Study


Task 4:  Develop Detailed Project Description


Task 5:  Prepare Environmental Impact Report


     Total Preconstruction Costs





$50,000 - $100,000


$150,000 - $200,000


$40,000 - $80,000


$250,000 - $500,000


$690,000 - $1,080,000




Task 6:  Detailed Design and Construction Bid Documents


Task 7:  Permitting and Environmental


Task 8:  Construction and Start-Up


      Total Construction Costs






$250,000 - $300,000




$86,303,000 - $86,353,000



Unit Cost


Annual cost of operation, maintenance, and desiltation program:                              $900,000

Annualized capital cost (30 years; 5%)                                                                                $5,673,500

Total Annual Cost                                                                                                                           $6,573,500

Cost per AF (assuming 851AF from dredging and 680 AF from dam)                            $4,294


Dam and Fish Passage Only:

Annual cost of operation, maintenance:                                                                                  $150,000

Annualized capital cost (30 years; 5%)                                                                                $1,977,000

Total Annual Cost                                                                                                                           $2,127,000

Cost per AF (assuming 680 AF from dam)                                                                                  $3,128


Dredging Only:

Annual cost of operation, maintenance, and desiltation program:                              $750,000

Annualized capital cost (30 years; 5%)                                                                                $3,712,000

Total Annual Cost                                                                                                                           $4,462,000

Cost per AF (assuming 851AF from dredging)                                                                          $5,243


Note:  Capital costs for projects separated will add up to slightly more than the combined project due to efficiencies when combined.



Estimated Timeline


Timeline assumes start is delayed to next fiscal year.  See next page.















