Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Lawn Replacement Rebate Guidelines


NOTE:  DO NOT Remove Lawn Until You Have Been Pre-Qualified


Rebate Amounts:

            Lawn Removal and Replacement: $1.25/sq. ft* up to 5,000 sq. ft.

            *Rebate amount cannot exceed the cost of materials and labor. Receipts must be provided.



ü  Eligible Lawns must be green, regularly maintained at a low even height, irrigated regularly, and well taken care of. Dead Lawns or Lawns already removed at the time of the complete application are not eligible for Rebate.

ü  Minimum of 250 square-feet of Lawn must be removed.

ü  Water records from the water company must demonstrate regular cyclical water use indicative of seasonal Landscape irrigation within the past two years.

ü  Lawn must be replaced with low-water use plants or permeable surfaces (mulch, decomposed granite, Synthetic Turf, etc.). Concrete and grouted pavers do not qualify.

ü  Lawn must not be relocated to a different area of the site.

ü  If converted area is irrigated, a drip Irrigation System must be installed. Overhead irrigation is not permitted.

ü  Planted areas must have at least a three-inch layer of mulch-no bare soil surfaces permitted.

ü  Property owner must agree to a deed restriction, which is recorded on the property title.  The deed restriction disallows reinstallation of the Lawn anywhere on the Site within a period of 15 years or the Rebate and additional associated costs must be repaid to the District.

ü  Site must be in compliance with District Rules and Regulations and/or conditions attached to District Water Permits for application to be deemed complete.


Application Process (Step by Step):

1.        Download and print a Lawn Rebate Application from or  Application forms are also available at the District office or 831-658-5601.

2.        Obtain and include the two most recent years of water records from your water company.

3.        Carefully measure and draw a diagram, including square footages, of all Lawn areas on your Site (include areas of Turf that will remain on site and label accordingly).

4.        Take 2-3 photos of all sections of the Lawn and include a copy with your application.

5.        Include a diagram and detailed description of the plants and project, including an irrigation plan.

6.        Attach items 2-5 to a completed Lawn Rebate and Removal Application and submit to: Rebate Program, Post Office Box 85, Monterey, CA 93940.

7.        Eligibility will be determined, and the District will notify you by letter that the proposed Lawn Removal and Replacement Project has been prequalified.  You will also be contacted by telephone to schedule a pre-inspection BEFORE the lawn is removed.  Removal of Lawn before prequalification and a pre-inspection will disqualify the project for a Lawn Removal Rebate.

8.        Complete the project, submit copies of all receipts, and arrange for a final inspection.

9.        Within one week of the final inspection, District staff will prepare the required deed restriction and contact the owner.  The owner must sign the deed restriction before a Notary and return the documents to the District for recording. Notary service is available at the District.

10.      All steps above must be completed within 120 days of the prequalification letter.   When all steps have been completed, a Rebate will be approved for payment.