Water Demand Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

March 26, 2010



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m. in the conference room of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District office.  


Committee members present:       Kristi Markey, Chair

                                                   Bob Brower

                                                   Alvin Edwards


Committee members absent:        None


Staff members present:                 Darby Fuerst, General Manager

                                                   Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Division Manager

                                                   Henrietta Stern, Project Manager      

                                                   Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel present:              David Laredo


Comments from Public

No comments.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of February 1, 2010 Committee Meetings

            On a motion by Director Brower and second by Director Edwards, the minutes were received unanimously on a vote of 3 - 0. 


2.         Conceptual Review of Proposed Ordinance Relating to Issuance of Water Credits Involving Commercial to Residential Change of Use

            On a motion by Director Markey and second by Director Edwards, the committee agreed unanimously to take no action on the ordinance, and to review the issue again in July after the non-residential water factors update is complete.


Discussion Items

3.         Progress Report on Evaluation of Water Distribution Systems in Fractured Rock Formations

            Henrietta Stern, Project Manager, provided an update to the committee on tasks associated with review of wells in fractured rock formations, as well as coordination with other agencies, especially the Monterey County Health Department.  The committee members agreed that staff should proceed with completion of its evaluation before initiating development of an ordinance related to water distribution systems in fractured rock formations.   A report outlining the results of the evaluation should be completed in time for presentation to the committee in May 2010.


4.         Discuss Development of an Ordinance that Would Amend Rule 24 Regarding Use of Cisterns to Offset Outdoor Demand

            The committee agreed that an ordinance should be presented to the Water Demand and Technical Advisory committees in May 2010, with first reading in May and second reading in June 2010.  It was suggested that the draft ordinance specify that the estimate of cistern capacity on a property be based on below normal to dry rainfall conditions.  Another proposal was to require that cistern use be metered as a means to provide the District with long-term information on efficiency.


            During the public comment period on this item, John Bridges addressed the Board.  He expressed support for requiring a deed restriction on properties that employ cisterns as the landscape water source; bi-annual inspections to ensure the system is operational; and installation of dual plumbing systems.


5.         Discuss Development of Policy Regarding High Efficiency Toilets and Issuance of Water Use Credits

            The committee agreed that staff should discuss with the Technical Advisory and Policy Advisory Committees the reasons for developing an ordinance that would encourage installation of high efficiency toilets, and the justification for eliminating issuance of water credit for those toilets.


6.         Discuss Rebate Program Expansion for Greywater Reuse and Other Technologies

            There was consensus among the committee members that an ordinance should be prepared that includes a rebate for installation of front loading washing machines, and increases the rebate for installation of cisterns.


7.         Update on Estimate of Replacement Water Needs

            Directors Markey and Edwards agreed that a report on replacement water needs should be brought to the Board in an upcoming meeting, but that the information should be reviewed on an annual basis, such as when the MPWMD Annual Report is prepared.  Director Brower left the meeting during discussion of this item, and did not proffer an opinion on the issue.


8.         Discuss Possible Sources of Sub-Potable Supply Within the District

            No discussion of this item.  It will remain a standing item on future agendas.


Set Next Meeting Date        

The meeting was scheduled for 9 AM on May 20 or May 21, 2010, subject to the availability of all committee members.



The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. 
