1.                  The Water Management District is charged under the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Law with the integrated management of the ground and surface water resources in the Monterey Peninsula area.

2.                  The Water Management District has general and specific power to cause and implement water conservation activities as set forth in Sections 325 and 328 of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Law.

3.                  This ordinance responds to present and threatened water emergencies, as provided by Section 332 of the District Law.  Water emergencies addressed by this ordinance are created by legal circumstances which constrain the amount of water that is available to serve water users in the Monterey Peninsula area.

4.                  This ordinance refines the District’s calculation of Water Credits associated with Non-Residential Sites with development plans to change the character of the water use from Non-Residential to Residential.

5.                  Non-Residential water use is calculated using factors that are based on regional averages and that may or may not reflect the actual water use history of a Site.  This ordinance attempts to equalize the difference between actual consumption and theoretical Water Use Capacity.

6.                  Residential water use tends to be more consistent in use and does not fluctuate as compared to variations that may occur in Non-Residential uses.

7.                  District Rule 25.5 shall be republished upon adoption of this ordinance.

8.                  (Add CEQA Finding after Project is defined)


NOW THEREFORE be it ordained as follows:





Section One:               Short Title


This ordinance shall be known as the 2010 Non-Residential Water Credit Amendment Ordinance of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District.



Section Two:               Purpose


This ordinance amends the methods used by the District to calculate the Water Use Credit for Sites converting from a Non-Residential Use to a Residential Use.  It has been determined that there is a potential variation in the amount of water used by Non-Residential Uses as opposed to Residential Uses.  This ordinance attempts to equitably balance the historical variable water use of Non-Residential water consumption calculated using regional averages as the former Non-Residential water use is translated to Residential demand.



Section Three:            Amendment to Rule 25.5, Water Use Credits and On-Site Water Credits


Rule 25.5 shall be amended as shown below, with added language as shown in bold italic type face, and deleted language shown in strikeout type face. 




A.        Except where a Water Permit has been abandoned, expired, Revoked, Suspended, or canceled under these Rules, a Person may receive a Water Use Credit for the permanent abandonment of some or all of the prior water use on that Site by one of the methods set forth in this Rule.  Water Use Credits shall be documented by written correspondence between the District and the property owner, and shall remain valid unless prohibited by this Rule.  Water Use Credits shall not be documented by notice on a property title, except as specified in Rule 25.5-G.  Except as allowed by Rule 28, Water Use Credits shall not be transferable to any other Site.


B.         Water savings resulting from mandatory District programs, including water savings resulting from the installation of Low Water Use Plumbing Fixtures Mandated by the District, shall not result in a Water Use Credit.  Such savings shall be set aside as permanent water conservation savings essential to the District’s 15 percent conservation goal approved by the Board in March 1984.


C.        A Water Use Credit may be applied to and shall allow future water use on that Site at any time within a period of 60 months.  After the 60th month, the General Manager shall allow renewal of this Water Use Credit only upon verification that some or all water savings represented by that credit are current (i.e. no Water Permit or other use or transfer of the Water Use Credit has occurred).  If all savings are not current, a pro-rata reduction shall occur.  A single renewal period of 60 months shall be allowed; thereafter any remaining unused Water Use Credit shall expire. 


D.        A Water Use Credit on a Redevelopment Project site may, in addition to the time limits and in the manner set forth above, have its expiration date extended for two (2) additional periods of sixty (60) months each, to afford any such Redevelopment Project a maximum period of two hundred forty (240) months to use that credit. 


E.         The following types of Permanent Abandonment of Capacity shall qualify for a Water Use Credit under this Rule:


1.         Demolition of a building or use that has been recognized by the District as being a lawful water use;


2.         Permanent disconnection of a lawful water use from a Water Distribution System;


3.         Residential removal of water fixtures;


4.         Permanent installation of non-Mandated water fixtures or appliances.


                        5.         Change of a Non-Residential use to a Residential use.


F.         To determine a Water Use Credit, the General Manager shall:


1.         Verify that the reduction is one which is permanent (i.e. Permanent Abandonment of Use). 


2.         Quantify the Water Use Capacity of the Site using the water use factors from Rule 24, Tables 1 and/or 2.  If no factor is available on Table 2 or if the use is substantially different than any of the uses shown on Table 2, the General Manager may make an estimate based upon water records showing the average use over a minimum of the past ten years.


3.         Grant a Water Use Credit for the permanent removal of water using fixtures providing that the fixture was properly and lawfully installed.  Credit for fixtures listed in Rule 24-A-2 shall only receive a Water Use Credit upon evidence of a Water Permit showing a debit to a Jurisdiction’s Allocation and payment of related Connection Charges. 


a.         Water Use Credits for multiple Showerheads shall be limited to a maximum of four (4) fixture units per Separate Stall Shower or Bathtub.  A Shower System shall be considered a component of a Separate Stall Shower or Bathtub for purposes of this Rule.


b.         Credit shall not be given for any reduction which occurs as the result of the removal of Landscaping installed without a Water Permit or installed pursuant to a Water Permit for New Construction.  An exception to this limitation shall be made for Non-Residential Landscaping that was specifically identified, quantified, and permitted by the District.  Any Water Use Credit granted under this subdivision shall be determined using the Estimated Applied Water for the increment of Landscaping being permanently abandoned.


4.         Quantify the water use reduction (the abandoned Capacity) using the following methods:


a.         Residential Water Use Credit for demolitions, permanent disconnection of water service, and permanent removal of water fixtures shall be determined using the Fixture Unit Values from Rule 24, Table 1: Residential Fixture Unit Count Values. 


b.         Residential Water Use Credits shall only be granted for installation of ultra-low consumption appliances.  Table 4: Ultra-Low Consumption Appliance Credits shall list the ultra-low consumption appliances and the quantity of Water Use Credit available for the permanent installation of the appliance.  This table shall be amended by Resolution of the Board of Directors.









Water Use Credit

in Acre-Feet

High Efficiency Toilets


A toilet designed to have a maximum average flush of 1.28 gallons.


0.004 AFA


Instant-Access Hot Water System


A recirculating hot water system or other device that results in hot water contact at every point of access throughout the structure within ten (10) seconds.


0.005 AFA


Ultra-Low Consumption Dishwasher


A dishwasher designed to use a maximum of 7.66 gallons during every complete cycle.


0.005 AFA


High Effi Washing Machine (18-28 gallons)


A washing machine designed to use a maximum of 28 gallons during every complete cycle.


0.005 AFA


Ultra-Low Consumption Washing Machine (18 gallons maximum)


A washing machine designed to use a maximum of 18 gallons during every complete cycle.


0.01 AFA


Ultra-Low Flush Half Gallon-Per-Flush Toilet


A toilet designed to use a maximum of half gallon of water per flush.


0.007 AFA





c.         Non-Residential Water Use Credit for demolition and for permanent disconnection of water service shall be determined using Table 2: Non-Residential Water Use Factors.  When the Water Use Capacity is greater than one (1) Acre-Foot, the documented eight (8) year water use average prior to the date of Permanent Abandonment of Capacity shall be factored into the calculated credit.  The average of (1) the eight (8) year average and (2) the Water Use Capacity determined by Table 2: Non-Residential Water Use Factors shall be the Water Use Credit. 


d.         Non-Residential Water Use Credit for retrofits with Ultra-Low Consumption Technology shall be documented under the following circumstances and shall be granted for the increment of water savings beyond the water savings anticipated from the installation of Low Water Use Plumbing Fixtures and other District mandates:


(1)        Application for Water Use Credit Post-Retrofit.  The Applicant shall submit clear and convincing evidence of water savings.  This shall be accomplished by providing the District with a minimum of ten (10) years of documented pre-retrofit water history for the use from the Water Distribution System (i.e. bills or correspondence from the Water Distribution System Operator) along with two or more years of post-retrofit water history for the use (i.e. bills or correspondence from the Water Distribution System Operator).  When ten years of water history for a use is unavailable or when less than two years of post-retrofit water history is available, the Applicant shall obtain an independent third party’s review of the projected water savings. The District shall maintain a list of Persons qualified to prepare a third party water conservation analysis.  In all cases, the District shall verify the installation of Ultra-Low Consumption Technology by conducting an inspection.



(2)        Application for Water Use Credit Pre-Retrofit.  The Applicant shall submit clear and convincing evidence of water savings.  This shall be accomplished by providing the District with a minimum of ten (10) years of documented pre-retrofit water history for the use from the Water Distribution System (i.e. bills or correspondence from the Water Distribution System Operator) to establish a baseline consumption level.  When ten years of pre-retrofit water history for a use is unavailable, the factor from Rule 24, Table 2: Non-Residential Water Use Factors shall be used as the historic use baseline.   To substantiate projected water savings resulting from the proposed retrofit(s), the Applicant shall submit additional documentation to support the estimated water savings.  Finally, the Applicant shall obtain aAn independent third party’s review may be required to verify of the projected water savings. The District shall maintain a list of Persons qualified to prepare a third party water conservation analysis.  In all cases, the District shall verify the installation of Ultra-Low Consumption high efficiency Technology by conducting an inspection.


(3)        When a Non-Residential Water Use Credit is requested for a Site that cannot demonstrate that the Site was equipped with Low Water Use Plumbing Fixtures Ultra Low Flush Toilets or High Efficiency Toilets, and water efficient showerheads and faucet aerators for at least ten (10) years prior to the retrofit or as required by District law the full period of the water records used, there shall be a 15 percent reduction of the final calculated Water Use Credit.


(4)        In the event that the General Manager disagrees with the amount of water savings resulting from the installation of high efficiency Ultra-Low Consumption Ttechnology, the complete Water Use Credit application shall be presented to the Board for further consideration. 


G.        A valid Water Use Credit may provide the basis for the General Manager to issue a Water Permit for new, modified, or Intensified Water Use on that Site.


1.         There shall be no Connection Charge assessed for any Water Use Credit.  Connection Charges, however, shall apply to the Capacity for water use which exceeds the Water Use Credit, or for any Expansion of Use following the expiration of the Water Use Credit. 


2.         Use of a documented Water Use Credit to offset an Expansion of Use shall cause recordation of a Notice and Deed Restrictions Regarding Limitation on Use of Water on a Property and Public Access to Water Use Data.


3.         No Connection Charge refund shall accrue by reason of a water use reduction or abandonment of Capacity, whether or not reflected by a Water Use Credit. 


4.         Issuance of a Water Use Credit shall not result in any change to a Jurisdiction’s Allocation or to any Water Entitlement.  Use of any Water Use Credit shall similarly not result in a change to a Jurisdiction’s Allocation or any Water Entitlement.


H.        When a Water Use Credit on a Site results from demolition of a building that straddled a lot line, the property owner shall specify in writing the quantity of water credit assigned to each of the lots formerly occupied by that building.  This designation shall be recorded upon the title of each of the lots.


I.          A Water Use Credit shall enable reuse of saved water on the Site.


1.         Water Use Credits may be moved between one or more structures on the same Site or may be used to construct new uses on the same Site.


2.         The District shall not require an additional increment of water for exterior water usage on a Vacant Lot or lot containing an uninhabitable structure when the owner of the Site has submitted clear and convincing evidence of Landscaping and irrigation that was installed by and has been consistently maintained since March 11, 1985.  Examples of acceptable evidence are dated photographs, official documents, permits or correspondence of the Jurisdiction, receipts or invoices for gardening services or purchases related to Landscaping and maintaining Landscaping on the Site.


3.         A Water Use Credit for disconnection from a Potable Water Distribution System shall be granted by the General Manager only upon the removal of the Connection and written confirmation of such removal by the Water Distribution System Owner or Operator.


J.          An On-Site Water Credit resulting from the non-permanent removal of a lawful use that occurred on or after March 1, 1985, may be applied to, and shall allow, the future reuse of that increment of water on that Site for the former type of use.  A change in use from Non-Residential to Residential shall be subject to the calculation of Water Use Credit outlined in Rule 25.5-F-4-c.  A Water Permit for reinstating the former use shall be required and allowed.  Any remaining On-Site Water Credit shall become a Water Use Credit upon verification of change in use and shall be subject to the time limitations thereof.



Section Four:   Publication and Application


The provisions of this ordinance shall cause the republication and amendment of the permanent Rules and Regulations of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District. 



Section Five:     Effective Date and Sunset


This ordinance shall take effect at 12:01 a.m. on the 1st day of June 2010. 


This Ordinance shall not have a sunset date. 



Section Six:      Severability


If any subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or enforcement of the remaining portions of this ordinance, or of any other provisions of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Rules and Regulations.  It is the District's express intent that each remaining portion would have been adopted irrespective of the fact that one or more subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid or unenforceable.



On motion by Director __________, and second by Director ____________, the foregoing ordinance is adopted upon this ______ day of ________________, 2010, by the following vote:












I, ____________________, Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, hereby certify the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance duly adopted on the ________ day of _____________ 2010.



Witness my hand and seal of the Board of Directors this ________ day of ____________ 2010.



                                                                        Darby W. Fuerst, Secretary to the Board







 [S1]Verify that Rule 25.5 is the post-Ordinance No. 142 version in the final draft ordinance.