Technical Advisory Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

August 3, 2010



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. in the District Conference room.


Committee Members Present

City of Pacific Grove                Sarah Hardgrave, Chair

City of Sand City                      Steve Matarazzo

City of Seaside             Scott Ottmar

County of Monterey                 Jennifer Bodensteiner


Committee Members Absent:

City of Carmel-by-the-Sea       Sean Conroy

City of Del Rey Oaks               Daniel Dawson

City of Monterey                      Todd Bennett, Vice Chair                    

Monterey Peninsula

Airport District             Thomas Greer


District Staff Members Present:

            Darby Fuerst, General Manager

Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

Henrietta Stern, Project Manager

Jonathan Lear, Senior Hydrogeologist

Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel Present:

David Laredo


Comments from the Public:

No comments were directed to the Board during the public comment period.


Discussion Items

1.         Review Results of Pilot Study on Wells in Fractured Rock Formations

            Lear presented the report.  A summary is available at the District office and on the District’s website.  He advised the committee that the Board will consider expanding the study to include all fractured wells in the District for a cost of approximately $31,500.  The District has transmitted a letter to the County of Monterey asking if cost sharing for completion of the study could be arranged.



2.         Status Report on Cease and Desist Order, and Regional Water Project Proceedings

            Fuerst reported that a case management session is set for November 3, 2010, and at that time a hearing schedule on the challenge to State Water Resources Control Board WR 2009-0060, the Cease and Desist Order (CDO), will be developed.  The CDO is in effect and water production is expected to remain within levels established in Order 95-10 and the CDO through 2011. 


            Fuerst provided an update on the Regional Water Project proceedings.  He stated that the environmental impact report (EIR) for the project has been certified.  The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is now responsible to approve a project and the associated financing agreement.  The Marina Coast Water District (MCWD) proposed that the governance structure for the project include a representative from the cities on an advisory committee.  The City of Monterey supported the concept of city involvement, but not the limited “advisory role only” that was offered.  The cities of Carmel, Seaside, Sand City and Del Rey Oaks supported MCWD’s proposal.  The MPWMD requested that it should also be included, but have a decision making role.  The Administrative Law Judge deliberating this matter should issue a proposed decision in October 2010.  The full CPUC should make a decision in November 2010.  


            Fuerst reminded the Committee that under the CDO, Cal-Am must cease issuance of water meters.  Cal-Am has submitted a request to the CPUC for permission to impose a moratorium on water connections that will allow them to refuse service to new connections and expanded use at existing connections. A prehearing conference on Cal-Am’s request has been set for August 25, 2010.  Hardgrave requested that a joint meeting of the Policy and Technical Advisory Committees be conducted once the hearing schedule is set, so that Cal-Am can update the committees on its plans for implementation of the CDO.  Fuerst stated that September 2010 might be an appropriate month for the joint meeting.


Action Items

3.         Receive Minutes of May 4, 2010 Committee Meeting

No action taken due to lack of a quorum.


4.         Develop Recommendation to the Board Regarding Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 144 – An Ordinance of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Amending the Rebate Program Amounts and Adding New Rebates for Graywater Irrigation Systems and Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Retrofits

Stern and Pintar provided an overview of the draft ordinance.  No action was taken due to lack of a quorum.  However, the four committee members present agreed that their informal recommendation was to support adoption of the ordinance. 



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:15 AM.


