Exhibit 1-A



Joint Meeting of the

Policy Advisory (PAC) and Technical Advisory (TAC) Committees

Of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

September 26, 2005


Committee members present:

                                                            PAC                                        TAC

Carmel-by-the-Sea                   Paula Hazdovac                        Sean Conroy

County of Monterey                                                                 Al Mulholland

Del Rey Oaks                           Joe Russell                               Ron Langford

City of Monterey                      Dan Albert                               Chip Rerig

Monterey Peninsula

Airport District                         Leonard McIntosh                    Thomas Greer

Pacific Grove                            Dan Court                                Douglas Rick

Sand City                                 Kelly Morgan                           Steven Matarazzo

Seaside                                    Darryl Choates                         Diana Ingersoll


District staff present:

David A. Berger, General Manager

Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel present:

David C. Laredo


MPWMD Board Members present:

Larry Foy, Vice Chair, Division 5

Alvin Edwards, Division 1 (Member of the audience)

Judi Lehman, Division 2 (Member of the audience)


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM in the District conference room.


Comments from the Public



Action Items

1.                  Review and Approve Common Methodology for Projecting Long-Term Water Needs

On a motion by Dan Albert and second by Darryl Choates, the committee voted unanimously to recommend approval of Exhibit 1-B, Factors Used for Long-Term Water Needs Projections Recommended by TAC; and Exhibit 1-C, Estimated Long-Term Water Needs by Jurisdiction Based on General Plan Build-Out in Acre-Feet.  A footnote should be added to Exhibit 1-C, “This is in addition to existing demand.” 


Public Comment:  (1) Alvin Edwards advised the committee members that if they want a project that provides 4,500 acre-feet of water, they should tell the Board when they want it and how the community should pay for it.  (2) Sara Hardgrave representing RBF Consulting updated the committee on the status of the Coastal Water Project application that is before the Public Utilities Commission (PUC).  She reported that the Proponents Environmental Assessment (PEA) has been submitted to the PUC for a project that provides replacement water for the 10,730 acre-feet shortfall identified in State Water Resources Control Board Order 95-10.  In response to a request from the PUC, the report analyzes five levels of production.  If an agency pursues construction of the Coastal Water Project to meet regional water needs, the environmental assessment will have been completed for a regional project.  If the chosen project would provide only Carmel River replacement water, the analysis has been completed so that pipeline can be laid for potential increased capacity.   An EIR on the Coastal Water Project could be completed within a year.  Ms. Hardgrave explained that the PEA is part of an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, which would authorize financing for the project.  District Counsel David Laredo stated that a pre-hearing conference has been scheduled for October 5, 2005 in which a timeline will be developed for PUC review and approval of the project.  The PUC has said that it could be 18 months before hearings are conducted on the project.


Comments by Technical and Policy Advisory Committee Members

General Manager Berger advised the committee members that the Board of Directors requested that each committee develop a charge for Board approval.   The TAC will review charges for both the TAC and PAC.  The TAC may decide to submit the charge to the PAC and/or their appointing authorities for review and approval.



The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 AM.

