
Discuss Common Methodology for Long-Term Water Needs – Multi-Family Housing Factor


Meeting Date:

April 5, 2005





David A. Berger,




General Manager





Prepared by:

Stephanie Pintar



SUMMARY:  The TAC is being asked to provide input on a water factor or factors that could be applied to multi-family residential housing estimates submitted by the jurisdictions in response to the District Board’s request for General Plan build-out numbers.   


Staff is requesting assistance with developing appropriate numbers to apply to the residential portion of the General Plan build-out numbers submitted by each jurisdiction.  As staff was unable to obtain data for actual annual multi-family residential water use by unit, staff recommends the TAC support use of the fixture unit methodology for determining water use for each multi-family residential unit (1 ½ bathroom apartment = 0.124 AFA), and discuss a reasonable additional increment of water for outdoor use.  TAC should discuss and formulate a recommendation for calculating potential water use for remodels/additions.  In the Land Systems Group (LSG) draft Vacant Legal Lot Study that was prepared in 2002, LSG used factors of 0.134 AFA for multi-family housing and 0.047 AFA for residential remodels/additions.


RECOMMENDATION:  The TAC should discuss the potential residential factors and consider making one or more recommendations for consideration by the Water Demand Committee at its May meeting.

