Currently the Public Outreach Team is working on the following projects:




1.       Conservation/Drought


TBC & Staff has met with Cal Am and is currently reviewing all conservation outreach collateral.


 Additional efforts from this joint effort include:

·         Joint Mailers & Print Ad campaigns reminding all users of revised outdoor watering days and water waste restrictions

·         Press Release distributed through Chambers/Hospitality groups and general press reminding restaurants and hotels of signage and drinking water requirements

·         Save Water Go Blue Campaign


A.      District’s stand-alone initiatives include the following items:

·         Public Outreach to Large MPWMD pumpers and large CAW customers (Laundry, Irrigation Accounts, Jurisdictions, Military and Schools) per April BOD meeting

·         Periodic email blasts (need to conserve) from local chambers, business and community organizations – This Week


2.       Website


Work on the approved website concept continues with division managers supplying notes and needs and the website working group planning to meet in mid-June following the latest update.


3.       Upon Confirmation of Current Rebate Program Budget:

TBC and Staff will project manage, from concept to completion, all aspects of the enhanced rebate program

A.      Residential: Development of In-store display outreach (Best Buy, ACE, OSH, Home Depot, BID and all local stores) including rebate eligible clings (500) and table tents/tear pads (100) with information on rebate program (Mid to Late May)


B.      Commercial: Mailer advertising open washer rebate program. Sent this week


4.       District Classes/Partnerships:

A.      Rainwater Harvesting – May 10 – Capacity

B.      Greywater Series – June 11 – 75% full

C.      Stormwater Rebates with City of PG and Regional Stormwater Group

Program is launching Week of 6/9


5.       Speakers Bureau

Dave Stoldt:               Sustainable Seaside

                                        Monterey Bay Cal Bear Alumni Association


6.       Events:

Rebate Day at Home Depot – May 17


7.       Possible Future Initiatives

A.      Water Expo Fall 2014








