


Meeting Date:

February 3, 2009





Darby Fuerst,




General Manager





Prepared By:

Stephanie Pintar




SUMMARY:   Staff will provide a status update on development of programs proposed by MPWMD and California American Water (CAW) in the Conservation Filing (A.07-12-010) currently pending before the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).  As specified in the Settlement Agreement dated January 15, 2009 between MPWMD, CAW, and the Division of Ratepayer Advocates (DRA) (Exhibit 4-A), funding for a number of conservation programs is pending approval by the CPUC.  Specific programs proposed in this filing are shown on pages 2-8 of the settlement document.  One of the primary objectives of the conservation filing is to ensure that CAW does not exceed legal or regulatory limitations on withdrawals from the Carmel River and the Seaside Basin.  Following approval of the settlement by the CPUC, the proposed conservation programs will need to be implemented as planned.  Consideration of approval is anticipated early spring 2009.  The jointly proposed conservation programs are projected to achieve at least 400 acre-feet of water savings per year (3% of current average demand) during the 2009-2011 period.


Joint MPWMD/CAW Conservation Website

During the hearings on the Conservation Filing, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) stipulated that a Monterey-specific joint MPWMD/CAW conservation website be developed with outreach money included in the conservation settlement.  The settlement agreement contains $10,000 for development of a joint website that could be operational no later than March 31, 2009.  MPWMD and CAW conservation staff have been working on development of a website that meets the criteria indicated by the ALJ.  CAW is in the process of retaining Byte Technology to complete the website development.  MPWMD has purchased the domain for the website.  Staff will provide the committee with an overview of the website content and timeline.


CAW Outreach Schedule

Staff has been informed that CAW will not be using any of its pending outreach funds until it has received approval by the CPUC.  The spring outreach program “Spring Into Action” is not likely to be implemented this year.  The committee should discuss whether an alternative outreach plan should be developed for implementation by MPWMD prior to approval of CAW’s pending outreach budget.


RECOMMENDATION:  This is a discussion item.  Staff will provide information and discussion should follow.



4-A      Settlement Agreement dated January 15, 2009


