


Meeting Date:

October 23, 2007





David A. Berger,




General Manager





Prepared By:

Arlene Tavani




SUMMARY:  District staff has produced an informational video that provides a general overview of the District’s mission and activities. The ten-minute long video will be transferred to DVD and provided to Access Monterey Peninsula for broadcast following our Board meetings, and as additional broadcast time is available.  The DVD can also be used to educate the public when District staff give presentations to schools and community groups, and during the District’s annual open house.  


On September 26, 2006, the committee conducted its final review of the video script, and staff modified the script based on the committee members’ comments.   The District’s management team reviewed the video in September 2007 and requested that additional information be incorporated regarding the Seaside Groundwater Basin, coordination with California American Water (CAW) on desalination planning, and the District’s Expanded Water Conservation and Standby Rationing Plan.  The video was modified and finalized for presentation to the committee. At the October 23 meeting, staff will provide to the committee the revised video script with new sections highlighted.


RECOMMENDATION:  The committee should review the public outreach video. 


BACKGROUND:  In April 2006, District staff presented the Public Outreach Committee with a plan to prepare three short informational videos that would be produced by Access Monterey Peninsula (AMP).  The committee supported the idea and requested to review scripts.  Due to production delays and staffing cutbacks at AMP, the proposal was modified to the development of one short video.  In August 2006, staff presented the committee with a script for one 6-minute video that would be prepared by District staff with some technical assistance provided by AMP.  In September 2006, the committee provided final comments to staff on a revised version of the script and selected two staff members to narrate the video.  In September 2007 production was completed and the District’s management team reviewed the video.  They suggested that additional information be incorporated regarding the Seaside Groundwater Basin, coordination with CAW on desalination planning, and the District’s Expanded Water Conservation and Standby Rationing Plan.  The video was modified and the final version prepared for presentation to the committee on October 23, 2007.


Video sequences were filmed by District staff utilizing cameras and related equipment borrowed from AMP.  Most of the production and editing was accomplished using computer software and hardware owned by the District. AMP provided technical assistance with filming and production.

