Projected  CAW Main System Production Reductions: Water Years 2008- 2021  
  (All Values in Acre-Feet)  
  Water Seaside  Carmel    Seaside Coastal and Carmel River Sources  
  Year Coastal River Annual Annual Cumulative  Cumulative   
  Production Production Production Production  Production Percent  
    Limit Limit   Limit Reduction  Reduction Reduction  
  2008 3,504 11,285 14,789 --- --- ---  
  2009 3,191 9,592 12,783 2,006 2,006 13.6%  
  2010 3,087 9,592 12,679 104 2,110 14.3%  
  2011 3,087 9,028 12,115 564 2,674 18.1%  
  2012 2,669 9,028 11,697 418 3,092 20.9%  
  2013 2,669 7,335 10,004 1,693 4,785 32.4%  
  2014 2,669 7,335 10,004 0 4,785 32.4%  
  2015 2,251 5,642 7,893 2,111 6,896 46.6%  
  2016 2,251 5,642 7,893 0 6,896 46.6%  
  2017 2,251 5,642 7,893 0 6,896 46.6%  
  2018 1,820 5,642 7,462 431 7,327 49.5%  
  2019 1,820 5,642 7,462 0 7,327 49.5%  
  2020 1,820 5,642 7,462 0 7,327 49.5%  
  2021 1,494 5,642 7,136 326 7,653 51.7%  
  Text Box: Notes:
1. "CAW" refers to California American Water, the principal water purveyor in the Monterey Peninsula area.  CAW's "Main System" refers to its largest water distribution system in its Monterey District.  CAW's main system encompasses approximately 44 square miles and includes the Cities of Carmel-by-the-Sea, Del Rey Oaks, Monterey, Sand City, Seaside, and Pacific Grove, and portions of unincorporated Monterey County in Carmel Valley, Del Monte Forest , and Carmel Highland areas.  CAW produces water from the Carmel River, Carmel Valley Alluvial Aquifer, and Coastal Subareas of the Seaside Groundwater Basin to serve customers in its main system.  In 2006, CAW served approximately 38,200 connections in its main system.
2. The annual production limits shown for the Carmel River and Seaside Coastal sources are based on State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Order No. WR 95-10, SWRCB Draft Cease and Desist Order WR 2008-00XX-DWR, and the Seaside Groundwater Basin Adjudication Decision (California American Water v. City of Seaside, et al., Case No. M66343, California Superior Court, Monterey County). 
3. The "Annual Production Reduction" is calculated as the difference between the "Annual Production Limit" for the previous water year and current water year. 
4. The "Cumulative Production Reduction" is calculated as the difference between the "Annual Production Limit" for the initial year, i.e., 14,789 acre-feet in Water Year 2008, and the current water year.
5. The "Cumulative Percent Reduction" is calculated as the percent reduction between the "Annual Production Limit" for the initial year, i.e., 14,789 acre-feet in Water Year 2008, and the current water year.