Attachment 1


Community Advisory Committee Comments

Monterey Bay Regional Desalination Project

June 25, 2007




Ron Chesshire:

1.        Tremendous potential to get us out of situation we are in.  Seems like less bureaucracy involved then last time.

2.        Willing to enter into long term agreements for price guarantee.








Bruce Crist

1.        Regional approach is right approach.




Janet Brennan

1.        Local control with ownership







Roy Thomas

1.        Drought proof component

2.        Expandable

3.        Form of public ownership

4.        Limited exposure to increased costs

5.        Some of facilities exist.





Robert Greenwood









Tom Rowley

1.        Regional concept makes sense

2.        Public Utilities Commission(PUC)/Department of Ratepayer Advocates ongoing discussions looking at alternatives

3.        District adopted MOU for Monterey Bay Regional Water Solutions Task Force.  Separate efforts of PUC and water agencies to look at a regional solution.



Bob McKenzie

1.        Welcome help with water supply alternative ideas






Dewey Baird

1.        Agree with other comments.





1.        Concerned re things that have not been done.  Process that has stopped on EIR.  Waiting for something.  Possibly political or public pressure may get talks going with California American Water (CAW) in regards to working together.

2.        Concerns re cost of operations and maintenance.  If unchecked, could drive up costs.

3.        Concerned about discussions with CAW.  Could determine if this is good or bad, and that has not been determined.





1.        Parties have or have not coordinated their discussions.  Would be good to see parties talk in a meaningful manner.




1.        Longer permitting process with regional approach

2.        Costs do not include transmission costs

3.        Environmental impacts would be better or worse because of direct discharge into bay.  No benefit of dilution going through power plant.

4.        High energy cost is a huge issue.

5.        Technical uncertainties related to desalination.


1.        Reliability of facility

2.        What do you do if it doesn’t work?

3.        Cost controls

4.        Ownership question

5.        Dealing with a private organization.  What if they do not want to renew your contract?

6.        Long term reliability



1.        Pajaro/Sunny Mesa Community Services District (PSM) said Poseidon was capable and up to date.  But a 2006 report states that Tampa Bay Project was taken over by local authorities, due to filter plant failure and bankruptcies.

2.        Confusion between PSM and CAW as to if they will work together.





1.        No storage to meet surge demands.  A great need.

2.        Leads to a bigger project and higher capital and operation/maintenance costs.  Major defect

3.        Obtaining regional project will not be easy.





PSM is very small community services district, governed by an entity that is unknown to him. No history or track record for dealing with water supply at this level.  History of PSM indicates they have had a hard time passing tax measures to finance their operations.



1.        Financial, technical, agency cooperative, permitting, and easement issues that are uncertain

2.        No ASR component



