Questions submitted by Community Advisory Committee Member Greg Pickens




1) Is HDD wells (Horizontal Directionally Drilled) or radial collector wells still the preferred intake method?   


2) Is HDD/use of the regional wastewater treatment facility still the preferred brine disposal method? 


3) How is redundancy addressed for the Sand City Desalination Project (SCDP) and is it included in the cost projections (Bookman-Edmonston report, pages 5-13 and 5-14, notes 1, 2 & 6). 


4) Could SCDP be expanded to achieve the 12,500 AFY replacement goal plus 4,500 AFY future/projected need?


5) If SCDP could be expanded, would the ASR project (Carmel River diversion) still be required?  


6) Does the SCDP and RUWAP (Regional Urban Water Augmentation Project) compete against each other?  Could they be combined?






