


Meeting Date:

September 11, 2017





David J. Stoldt,

General Manager


Water Supply Projects




Line Item:

1-5-1 Groundwater Replenishment


Prepared By:

David J. Stoldt

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel  Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on September 11, 2017 and recommended ______________.

CEQA Compliance:  Action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines section 15378.






















SUMMARY:  In response to the California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC) Administrative Law Judge ruling of August 28, 2017, the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) desires to enter into contract with Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $42,848 to evaluate the feasibility of expanding the Advanced Water Purification Facility and the Pure Water Monterey conveyance and injection facilities. An additional contract with E2 Consulting in the amount of $14,680 is also proposed to investigate physical changes at the Salinas Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility to optimize summer yields of industrial wastewater and Salinas storm water.


These costs are in response to specific questions asked by the CPUC about the expansion of the Pure Water Monterey Project.


The total expenditure with contingencies would be $66,000 and based on the Cost Sharing Agreement between MPWMD and MRWPCA, the District would be responsible for seventy-five percent of the costs, which would be $50,000. MRWPCA would be responsible for the other twenty-five percent of the costs. These costs are not allowable to be expended from the State Revolving Fund Loan.


The recommendation is to authorize $50,000 of District funds for this purpose. The funds are budgeted in the FY 2017-2018 Budget adopted by the Board on June 19, 2017.


RECOMMENDATION:  The General Manager recommends the Board authorize the expenditure in the amount of $50,000 for the Expansion Feasibility Study of the Pure Water Monterey project. The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on September 11, 2017 and recommended __________.


BACKGROUND:  The Pure Water Monterey (PWM) Project will produce purified recycled water at the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (RTP) that will be conveyed to injection wells in the Seaside Groundwater Basin. The PWM project is currently being built to produce an average of 3,500 acre-feet-per-year (AFY) to create a replacement water supply for the Monterey Peninsula.  The PWM System includes the following major components:


·         Source water facilities that divert and convey new flows of wastewater.

·         The AWPF that treats the RTP effluent to produce purified water.

·         A purified water pump station that pumps purified water to the Recharge Well Field.

·         A ~10-mile long purified water pipeline and reservoir to convey the purified water to the Injection Well Field.

·         Injection Well Field facilities that inject the purified water into the groundwater basin. 

The AWPF has a design product water capacity of 4-mgd, a maximum production capacity of 5 mgd, and the existing site footprint could accommodate future expansion up to 6.5-mgd of capacity. The Injection Well Facilities have a maximum design injection rate of 4-mgd.


In response to the CPUC’s ALJ ruling of August 28, 2017, MRWPCA solicited and accepted proposals to help look at concepts for expansion of PWM.


A contract will be issued to Kennedy/Jenks for $42,848 to evaluate the feasibility of expanding the AWPF and the PWM conveyance and injection facilities to produce higher injection rates of 5.0-mgd, 6.5-mgd, and 10-mgd and higher AWPF production rates of 6.5-mgd and 10-mgd.  This expansion could permit the PWM System to potentially recharge more water and operate at higher production rates in the winter when there is additional unused RTP wastewater effluent available.  This conceptual level PWM System Expansion Study is a high-level study focused on the major elements of the AWPF, conveyance and recharge/injection facilities.


 In addition, a contract will be issued to E2 Consulting for $14,680 to investigate physical changes at the Salinas Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility to optimize summer yields of industrial wastewater and Salinas storm water, such as pond lining.


Separately, MRWPCA staff is considering negotiations with various project partners to explore the potential for amendment of existing agreements, such as the November 2015 Amended and Restated Recycling Agreement, to achieve additional rights to municipal wastewater and new source waters.





