


Meeting Date:

March 14, 2016





David J. Stoldt,

General Manager


Water Supply Projects




Line Item:

1-5-1 Groundwater Replenishment Project


Prepared By:

David J. Stoldt

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel  Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on March 14, 2016 and recommended _________.

The Water Supply Planning Committee reviewed this item on March 3rd and recommended approval 3-0

CEQA Compliance:  N/A






















SUMMARY:  In June 2015, the District Board approved a grant application to the United State Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) through its WaterSMART program for Drought Contingency Planning.  Reclamation awarded the District a grant of $200,000 in July 2015.  The recipient cost share (non-federal share) is a minimum of 50% of total project costs.  Reclamation goals for this program include (1) develop and update comprehensive drought plans, (2) implement projects that will build long-term resiliency to drought, and (3) implement emergency response actions. 


District staff will be the administrative lead to develop a Drought Contingency Plan (Plan) for the northern portion of Monterey County that would benefit from the Pure Water Monterey Project.  However, staff recommends that the consulting team that prepared the grant application and the detailed work plan (attached as Exhibit 5-A) for submittal to Reclamation be hired to develop the plan.  The consulting team would be hired without a Request for Qualifications because they are uniquely suited to execute the plan for five key reasons (a) they prepared the grant application, detailed work plan, public outreach plan, and attended the Plan Task Force kick-off meeting hence have a strong understanding of the project; (b) they have been hired by Reclamation to assist with a parallel and overlapping effort – the Salinas and Carmel Rivers Basin Study – which must be carefully coordinated with this Plan; (c) Brown and Caldwell has prior experience with Salinas River data modeling; (d) drought contingency plans are a new initiative of Reclamation and there is very little industry experience – staff was looking at either Brown and Caldwell or Carollo for this work, but the two firms had already agreed to work jointly; and (e) Bryant & Associates has assisted the District with federal funding strategies in the past. Development of a Plan must be completed within two years of award.


The total budget for contracted activities is $422,939 of which $200,000 will be Reclamation grant proceeds.  Hence, the District will need to contribute $222,939.  The staff recommendation is to authorize $225,000 of District funds for this purpose, to be spread over the current and the next two fiscal year budgets.


RECOMMENDATION:  The General Manager recommends the Board authorize the hire of the consulting team of Bryant & Associates, Brown & Caldwell and Data Instincts in affiliation with Thomas Brand Consulting and Carollo Engineers to work on the North Monterey County Drought Contingency Plan, subject to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation authorization




A Task Force Kick-Off meeting was held at the District offices on February 24, 2016 and included 23 people representing:


Development of a Plan would build on both the Monterey Peninsula and Greater Monterey County Integrated Regional Water Management planning efforts and the network of agencies and stakeholders that is advancing the Pure Water Monterey project.  A Drought Contingency Plan would include the following specific activities:



5-A      Draft Detailed Work and Public Outreach Plan


