
Consider Contract for Services to Update the Canyon Del Rey Master Drainage Plan


Meeting Date:

June 4, 2012





David J. Stoldt,

General Manager


Protect Environmental Quality



Line Item No.:    

Program 2-6


Prepared By:

Larry Hampson


Cost Estimate:

$ 275,800

(fully reimbursable)

General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on June 4, 2012 and recommended _____________.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY: The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD or District) received a grant from the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) of $995,000 from Proposition 84 funds to update the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWM Plan or Plan) for the Monterey Peninsula, Carmel Bay, and Southern Monterey Bay Region. 


The current request is to approve funds to move forward with Project 1 - Update of the Canyon Del Rey Master Drainage Plan, which was completed in 1977 and has not been updated since then.  Canyon Del Rey Creek is an ephemeral stream that drains a 16.8 square mile watershed along Highways 68 and 218 to the Pacific Ocean; the watershed includes portions of Seaside, Del Rey Oaks, Monterey, unincorporated Monterey County, and contains Laguna Grande and Roberts Lake.  Exhibit 4-A contains a summary of the work to be completed.  Expenditure of funds for this project is fully reimbursable with a combination of DWR grant funds and funds from the Monterey County Water Resources Agency (MCWRA).  MPWMD is acting as grant administrator and is coordinating oversight of the project with MCWRA and the City of Seaside. 

MPWMD received proposals from three firms for the Canyon Del Rey Drainage Plan Update and reviewed them on May 31, 2012 with representatives of MCWRA and Seaside.  The review committee recommends that ____________ be selected for the project.


Note:  results of the evaluation of the three proposals received for the project will be presented at the June 4, 2012 Administrative Committee meeting.


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the General Manager be authorized to enter into a consultant agreement with ____________ to complete an update of the Canyon Del Rey Master Drainage Plan for a not-to-exceed amount of $__________.  Funds for the work will be reimbursed by the Department of Water Resources and the Monterey County Water Resources Agency.


The Administrative Committee considered this item at its June 4, 2012 meeting and recommended _________________.  If approved, the General Manager would be authorized to enter into an agreement with the described entity.


BACKGROUND:  On April 12, 2011, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) notified MPWMD that the District’s proposal to update the IRWM Plan had been selected for funding from bond funds approved with the passage of Proposition 84 for the Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Grant Program.  MPWMD subsequently executed a grant agreement with DWR.


The update includes tasks to bring the plan into conformance with Proposition 84 standards and includes nine projects related to the update.  The total cost to update the plan is estimated to be $1,634,010 million.  About 61% ($995,000) of this cost will be reimbursed with grant funds.  The balance of the project costs ($639,000) will be from cash and in-kind services provided from the stakeholders in the planning region.  Local match can include expenditures beginning in September 2008 for staff, consultants, and other expenses directly related to projects in the IRWM Plan update proposal.   The full Work Plan, Budget, and Schedule can be viewed or downloaded at the District’s IRWM web site at:


The grant agreement specifies payment in arrears for expenses associated with the IRWM Plan update.  The District requested and received “concurrent drawdown” for reimbursement of grant funds.  This will allow each sub-grantee and the District to be reimbursed for each project according to the local match contribution for the respective project.  For example, for a project with a 25% local match requirement, the project sponsor would be reimbursed $0.75 for each dollar expended on the project until the local match is met. The District will review and forward invoice requests for reimbursement to DWR.


Project 1 – Update of the Canyon Del Rey Master Drainage Plan has a budgeted cost of $287,800, which includes $215,800 in DWR grant funds, a $60,000 local match from MCWRA, and a $12,000 in-kind match from MPWMD, MCWRA, and the City of Seaside.  MCWRA has collected funds since 1978 to fund studies and improvements in the watershed.  In June 2007, MPWMD and MCWRA executed an agreement to complete an update of the 1977 Monterey County Master Drainage Plan for the Canyon Del Rey Watershed.  MPWMD’s local match will consist of staff time for maintaining the stream gage on Canyon Del Rey and for grant administration and project oversight. MPWMD is providing project oversight and data for the update in cooperation with MCWRA and the City of Seaside, which is interested in using the results of the update to improve management of Laguna Grande and Roberts Lake. 


A summary of the work to be completed is contained in Exhibit 4-A.  The project should be completed within approximately 18 months project initiation.


MPWMD received proposals for the Canyon Del Rey Drainage Plan Update from the following three firms:


           Balance Hydrologics, Inc. and Whitson Engineers, Inc.

           Parsons Brinckerhoff

           Questa Engineering Corporation and WWD Corporation


Balance Hydrologics, Inc., Parsons Brinckerhoff and Questa Engineers provide engineering services from offices located in the San Francisco Bay area.  Whitson Engineers, Inc. and WWD Corporation have offices located in Monterey at Ryan Ranch.


Representatives of the District, MCWRA and Seaside met on May 31, 2012 to evaluate the proposals and recommended that _______________ be selected for the work.


IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  Because the project is expected to be completed over an 18-month period, $200,000 in funds for work associated with this project expenditure are included in Project Expenditures Line Item 2-6-A “Integrated Regional Water Management” in the Fiscal Year 2012-13 budget to be adopted by the Board of Directors on June 12, 2012.  The remainder of funds needed to complete this project would be included either in a mid-year budget adjustment (if the work is proceeding more quickly than anticipated) or would be included in the budget for FY 2013-14.  Budgeted funds are fully reimbursable from DWR and MCWRA.



4-A      Project 1 – Update of the Canyon Del Rey Master Drainage Plan



