
Consider Authorization of Consultant Contract to proviDe assistance with an Update of the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan for the Monterey Peninsula, Carmel Bay and Southern Monterey Bay


Meeting Date:

January 23, 2012





David J. Stoldt,

General Manager


Protect Environmental Quality



Line Item No.:    

Program 2-6


Prepared By:

Larry Hampson


Cost Estimate:

$ 130,000

($ 130,000 is reimbursable)

General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on January 17, 2012 and recommended ________________.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY: The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD or District) received a grant from the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) of $995,000 from Proposition 84 funds to update the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWM Plan or Plan) for the Monterey Peninsula, Carmel Bay, and Southern Monterey Bay Region. 


The current request is to approve authorization to enter into an agreement and expend up to $130,000 over the next two calendar years to retain a Consultant to provide assistance with the update of the IRWM Plan.  Expenditure of these funds would be fully reimbursable from the DWR grant. 



Staff recommends that the General Manager be authorized to enter into an agreement for services with Denise Duffy & Associates, Inc., for assistance with updating the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWM Plan or Plan) for the Monterey Peninsula, Carmel Bay, and Southern Monterey Bay Region for a not-to-exceed amount of $130,000. 


The Administrative Committee considered this item at its January 17, 2012 meeting and recommended _______________.  If adopted with the Consent Calendar, the General Manager would be authorized to enter into an agreement with the described entity.



On April 12, 2011, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) notified MPWMD that the District’s proposal to update the IRWM Plan was selected for funding from bond funds approved with the passage of Proposition 84 for the Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Grant Program.  MPWMD executed a grant agreement with DWR in late December 2011.


The update includes tasks to bring the IRWM plan into conformance with Proposition 84 standards and includes nine projects related to the update.  The total cost to update the plan is estimated to be $1,634,000.  About 61% ($995,000) of this cost will be reimbursed with grant funds.  The balance of the project costs ($639,000) will be from cash and in-kind services provided from the stakeholders in the planning region.  Local match can include expenditures beginning in September 2008 for staff, consultants, and other expenses directly related to projects in the IRWM Plan update proposal.  


MPWMD staff met with representatives of Denise Duffy & Associates (DD&A), a local consulting firm with expertise in water resources planning, about the proposed scope of services shown in Exhibit 1-A, Scope of Work.  Staff will discuss the outcome of the meeting and present additional written materials at the Administrative Committee meeting scheduled for January 17, 2012.


It is anticipated that over the next two years several members on staff who are involved with projects associated with the IRWM Plan update will interact with the Consultant’s representatives on sections of the IRWM Plan.  The initial scope of services anticipates that an update of the IRWM plan can be completed within the budget shown (i.e., $118,000).  However, this scope of work was developed before the Department of Water Resources proposed guidelines concerning economic analysis, climate change, and greenhouse gas emission analysis in an IRWM Plan update.  The request for approval to spend up to $130,000 includes a 10% contingency that would allow for changes to the IRWM Plan update as a result of new DWR guidelines.


The full Work Plan, Budget, and Schedule is included in the fully executed DWR-MPWMD grant agreement and can be viewed or downloaded at the District’s IRWM web site at:


The grant agreement specifies payment in arrears for expenses associated with the IRWM Plan update.  The work requested for approval under this item has no local match requirement.  Therefore, all work will be reimbursable as funds are expended.


IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  Funds for these project expenditures are included in Project Expenditures Line Item 2-6 “Integrated Regional Water Management” in the Fiscal Year 2011-12 budget adopted by the Board of Directors on June 20, 2011. 



1-A      Scope of Work


