
AUTHORIZE Expenditure of Budgeted Funds FOR site restoration at seaside middle school aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) test wELL


Meeting Date:

December 6, 2010





Darby Fuerst,




General Manager

Line Item No.:

B. 1. a.


Prepared By:

Joe Oliver

Cost Estimate:



(Cal-Am reimbursable)


General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on December 6, 2010 and recommended _______________.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD or District) Board will consider approval of budgeted funds to complete site restoration of the temporary discharge area that was utilized during development and production testing of the Seaside Middle School ASR Test well during 2010.  The work will include removal and disposal of temporary piping used during the testing, removal of gabion rock used for erosion protection, and minor grading to restore the site to its pre-existing condition.  This work will be undertaken for an estimated amount of $2,950.  With a 10% contingency, the total not-to-exceed cost will be $3,245.


RECOMMENDATION:   District staff recommends authorization of budgeted funds not-to-exceed $3,245 to complete restoration of the temporary discharge area at the Seaside Middle School ASR Test well site.  If approved, staff will proceed with securing contractor assistance to complete this task.


BACKGROUND:  The Seaside Middle School ASR Test well was constructed in Summer 2010; development and production testing of the well were completed in October 2010.  During well development and production testing, discharge water was directed to a temporary disposal area in the southwestern portion of the school parcel.  Now that this work has been completed, the temporary disposal site needs to be restored to its pre-existing condition.  MPWMD received the cost estimate for this work from the contractor (Monterey Peninsula Engineering) that performed the initial installation in Summer 2010.  Through recent discussion with Monterey Peninsula Unified School District staff, it was determined that this location will not be utilized as a future temporary discharge disposal area, in favor of a more isolated alternate location in the northwestern portion of the school parcel.  As such, any future use of a temporary discharge disposal area (such as with the drilling of a second ASR well at the site) will require installation of a separate temporary pipeline and erosion control at the alternate discharge location on the school parcel.


IMPACT ON STAFF/RESOURCES:  Planning, design, construction and operation of the Phase 1 ASR Project facilities (Santa Margarita site) and initiation of the Phase 2 ASR expansion (Seaside Middle School site) are ongoing significant staff commitments, as reflected in the District’s Strategic Plan.  Funds for this work are included in the MPWMD FY 2010-11 budget under Line Item 1-2-1 B. 1. a. (adopted June 21, 2010).  All budget costs associated with Phase 2 ASR are assigned in the budget as Cal-Am reimbursable costs.  Accordingly, the cost for this restoration work will be invoiced to Cal-Am subsequent to completion of the Phase 2 ASR cost reimbursement agreement between MPWMD and Cal-Am.





