


Meeting Date:

November 9, 2010







Darby Fuerst,




General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

Cynthia Schmidlin

Cost Estimate: 



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee voted reviewed this item on November 9, 2010 and recommended _____________________.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  The organization chart for the Water Demand Division includes the Water Demand Manager, three Conservation Representative I/II positions, one Conservation Technician I/II position and one Conservation Analyst position.  The Conservation Analyst position is vacant.  It was added to the organization chart in 2009, replacing a Conservation Representative position.  The intention behind creation of a Conservation Analyst position was to hire an individual who could assist the Water Demand Manager by performing highly responsible work researching, analyzing, and reporting on complex water demand management and conservation programs utilizing consumption data. This is work that would be valuable to the District at some time in the future.  But, unfortunately, the consumption data that were to be a major focus of the position have not been acquired.  Until these data are available, the Analyst position can not be fully utilized.   


On the other hand, the District has been contracting for clerical assistance from a local temporary agency since April 2010 to assist the Water Conservation Technician II and Conservation Representatives. This temporary worker has been providing essential day-to-day support for Water Demand Staff by answering phones and providing initial customer service, as well as performing word processing and data entry.  The large volume of Rebate Program applications, due to new and expanded ordinance provisions, has continued to increase. Work processes such as “data migration”, associated with the new database, also require significantly more staff time.  Data migration is a key component of implementation of the database system and involves individual property review.  The need for continued clerical assistance does not appear to be temporary in nature. Furthermore, increased attention on conservation programs by the Water Demand Division requires the services of another staff member who can provide technical assistance to customers seeking rebates and can answer questions on the policies and procedures.  These responsibilities do not fit the duties of the Conservation Representative I/II position that preceded the Conservation Analyst on the organization chart. Conservation Representatives spend a good amount of time in the field performing duties such as inspections, landscape audits, and public education.  They are also responsible for the more complicated staff notes and permit processing. The current need is for a slightly lower-level office position that would provide the proper combination of clerical support for senior staff and technical assistance to the public.  


The Conservation Technician I/II position is a developmental position placed at Ranges 18 and 22 on the District’s salary chart.  The Conservation Representative I/II, also developmental, begins at Range 20 and can advance to Range 24.  The Conservation Analyst is placed at Range 30.   A Conservation Technician I/II would not only be the most economical of these positions, but would also most effectively meet the District’s current operational needs in the Water Demand Division.


RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a change to the District Organization Chart replacing the vacant Conservation Analyst position with a Conservation Technician I/II position.


IMPACTS TO STAFF/RESOURCES: The FY 2010-2011 budget includes $76,701 for a Conservation Analyst.  This figure encompasses salary, benefits, and payroll taxes for what was expected to be nine months of employment.  If a Conservation Analyst were to be hired this coming January and worked six months during the fiscal year, it would cost approximately $58,405.  A Conservation Technician I, working for the same period of time, would cost $47,773, for a savings of $10,632.


BACKGROUND: The Conservation Analyst position was added to the organization chart in 2009, replacing a vacant Conservation Representative position.  The position was advertised in late 2009.  Despite extensive recruitment, a candidate with the skill sets required and experience desired was not found.  The position is included in the FY 2010-2011 budget.  A new recruitment was scheduled for this fall.  However, it has been determined that the needs of the District would be better served by replacement of the Conservation Analyst with a Conservation Technician I/II.



4-A      Conservation Analyst Job Description

4-B      Conservation Technician I/II Job Description

4-C      Current Organization Chart

4-D      Proposed Organization Chart

