December 22, 2005







Dear [Consultant]:


Your firm has been selected to receive this Request for Proposals to conduct certain consulting services for reviewing and evaluating three seawater desalination projects that have been proposed for the Monterey Peninsula.  If you wish to be considered for this work, please submit three copies of a proposal to this office by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, January 10, 2006.  I apologize for the short time frame allowed for preparing proposals and for completing the study.  The information the study will yield is of keen interest to my Board of Directors and to the community. Your proposal should include the items listed in Attachment 1, Contents of Proposal.  Responding firms are encouraged to compile a compact proposal with a minimum of "gloss."




In recent years, a variety of seawater desalination projects have been proposed for the Monterey Bay area.  The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD, or District) Board of Directors has directed staff to review the following three projects:


  • California American Water (Cal-Am) – Coastal Water Project – the seawater desalination portion of a combination seawater desal and aquifer storage and recovery project – 11,730 – 20,272 acre-feet per year (afy) - plant location in Moss Landing – currently being pursued
  • Pajaro/Sunny Mesa Community Services District (P/SM) – Monterey Bay Regional Desalination Project - 21,000- 23,000 afy  - desal plant location in Moss Landing – currently being pursued
  • MPWMD – Water Supply Project - 7.5 MGD, 8,400 acre-feet per year plant – plant location in Sand City on the Monterey Peninsula – most recently evaluated in 2003 and early 2004


Enclosed are materials that provide additional information on these projects taken from various submittals to MPWMD and project reports:


  • MPWMD Comparative Matrix of water supply projects – prepared for September 8, 2005 MPWMD Board workshop.  Information for the matrix was supplied separately by each project proponent and was not independently reviewed or verified by MPWMD.
  • Portions of Proponent’s Environmental Assessment for the Coastal Water Project (July 14, 2005); and Draft Preliminary Project Description for the Coastal Water Project  (September 2004)
  • Project Fact Sheet project map, and site map for the Monterey Bay Regional Desalination Project (undated); cost comparison of Cal-Am and P/SM projects (August 30, 2005); and North Monterey County Desalination Project, Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Decision Matrix, prepared for P/SM (September 10, 2004)
  • Portions of Board Review Draft, Draft EIR for the MPWMD Water Supply Project (December 2003); and Final Phase 1 Technical Memorandum, MPWMD, Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project Alternatives (March 2003)


A significant amount of additional information, including project descriptions and drawings, is available at the MPWMD office and will be provided to the selected consultant at the outset of the study.  The Comparative Matrix includes listings of some of the available documents.




Proposals are to address the following Scope of Work:


  1. Meet with MPWMD staff in Monterey at the outset of the contact to discuss the study approach. The consultant will be provided additional documents regarding the proposed projects.
  2. Review existing information on the following three seawater desalination projects:
    1. Cal-Am’s Coastal Water Project
    2. P/SM’s Monterey Bay Regional Desalination Project   
    3. MPWMD’s 7.5 MGD Sand City Seawater Desalination Project
  3. Evaluate the technical feasibility of the major components of each project.
  4. Evaluate the reasonableness of the estimated capital and O&M costs for each project.
  5. Where information is available, review and evaluate proposed project financing.
  6. Where possible, review and evaluate existing and proposed agreements (e.g., right-of-way) and permits (e.g., NPDES permit) relating to each project.
  7. Investigate and evaluate potential project constraints: physical conditions, regulatory conditions, environmental impacts, permitting, etc.  Provide conclusions regarding potential constraints for each project.
  8. Provide seven copies of a draft report, to include a summary of the setting of the three projects and stating the relevant findings and conclusions made during the study.  Also provide a disc containing an electronic version of the draft report.
  9. Following review and comment by MPWMD staff, provide 30 copies of the final report, as well as a disc containing an electronic version of the final report.


In your proposal, we anticipate that you will describe the approach you expect to employ in order to obtain the desired information and carry out the stated Scope of Work.  It is recognized that the Scope of Work eventually incorporated into the agreement for consultant services will likely contain more detail and specificity than the scope listed above.  Accordingly, the District is receptive to suggested modifications, alternatives, and expansion on the above-listed items.   The District has budgeted between $30,000 and $50,000 for the work anticipated to be performed under this contract.




It is anticipated that District staff will work closely with the consultant on this project.  At the outset, MPWMD staff will be responsible for compiling and providing all relevant existing documents and data in the District’s possession, and will assist the consultant in obtaining desired information.  The consultant will be responsible for summarizing pertinent existing data for presentation, and for incorporating District-provided materials into the report.




Attachment 2 outlines the process and schedule for selection of the consultant and completion of the study.  Following receipt of proposals, District staff will review the proposals.  At his time, it is not anticipated that firms will be invited to make oral presentations of their proposals.  However, it is possible that you will be asked to clarify your proposal or provide additional information. 


After a firm has been selected, an agreement will be negotiated for the scope of services to be performed at a not-to-exceed cost.  The District has a standard contract form for consulting services, which includes the insurance requirements contained in Attachment 3.


We look forward to your response.  If you have any questions regarding this invitation, please contact me at (831) 658-5620.






Andrew M. Bell

District Engineer


Enclosures:       Attachment 1.  Contents of Proposal

Attachment 2.  Selection Process and Proposed Project Schedule

Attachment 3.  Insurance Requirements

