May 3, 2010


To: Darby Fuerst, MPWMD


Fr:  John E. Arriaga, JEA & Associates


Re: Summary of Legislation



Attached is a MPWMD legislative track with the 2009-2010 key legislation that JEA

& Associates is monitoring on behalf of MPWMD. As you can see in the status

portion of the bill track, many of the bills have died and will not be pursued. For your

information the following are important dates for legislation as they make

their way through the process. 


May 7        Last day for policy committees to hear and report bills to the floor nonfiscal bills introduced in their house.


May 28      Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the floor bills introduced in their house.


June 4        Last day to pass bills out of house of origin. 


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, jeaandassoc@aol.com

or (916) 669-1340.  Thank you.