
CONSIDER FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 170 - AMENDING RULES 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.5, 142, AND 143


Meeting Date:

April 18, 2016





David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

Stephanie Locke

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  Yes.

Committee Recommendation: Recommended by Water Demand Committee April 6, 2016.

CEQA Compliance: Categorical Exemption.


SUMMARY:  Attached as Exhibit 13-A is revised Ordinance No. 170, “2016 Rule Amendment Ordinance.”  The ordinance was considered by the Board at the March 21, 2015 Board meeting.  The Board directed staff to bifurcate the ordinance to remove the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance amendments.  The ordinance before you includes the remaining rule amendments, with the addition of edits to Rule 23 found as Section 8 of the draft ordinance.

A proposed amendment to Rule 23 regarding sub-metering of Single-Family Dwellings (SFD) was considered by the Water Demand Committee in its preliminary review of the ordinance. The sub-metering provision of the Rules did not contemplate use of sub-meters for SFDs when it was developed.  Prior to the March first reading of this ordinance, the Committee directed staff to remove restrictions on sub-metering SFDs.  In light of recent situations where sub-metering may be used to create new SFDs that could be sold as separate Sites, the provisions have been included in this draft ordinance and returned to the Board for its consideration.    

DISCUSSION:  The ordinance has been written with an explanation of the proposed changes in each section.  The ordinance amends the most critical topics identified and discussed with the Water Demand Committee, including the 2015 changes to the California Code of Regulations (Title 20, Sections 1601-1608) and the irrigation efficiency requirements of the State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance that are specifically called out in MPWMD Rule 142.


RECOMMENDATION:  The Board should review the ordinance and approve the first reading.


13-A    Draft Ordinance No. 170




