


Meeting Date:

December 14, 2015


Not in the FY 2015-2016 Budget. Will be addressed in Mid-Year Budget Adjustment



David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

Cynthia Schmidlin

Cost Estimate: 



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on December 7, 2015 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  At the September 2015 Board Meeting, the organization chart was changed to replace the unfunded Senior Water Resources position with a new funded Water Resources Engineer position, effective January 1, 2016. The Water Resources Engineer position was placed in Range 43 on the District Salary Schedule.  It was expected that the District could attract a journey-level engineer with relevant experience to the Water Resources Engineer position, while leaving room for professional development to the Senior Water Resources Engineer level.


In October and early November of this year, the District conducted extensive recruitment for the Water Resources Engineer.  Despite one month of advertisement on multiple government, private industry and professional websites, as well as in related publications, this recruitment resulted in only three applications. Two applicants were interviewed. However, a highly qualified candidate, willing to accept the District’s salary and benefits package was not found. 


The interview process clarified that with several upcoming critical projects the District has committed to, the District needs a senior water resources engineer who has experience with planning, design, and construction management related to well construction, water pipeline construction, water quality testing and the use of recycled water.  Projects that the Planning and Engineering and Water Resources Divisions are responsible for include:


·         Pure Water Monterey

·         A long-term plan for the Los Padres Dam

·         Expansion of the District’s Aquifer Storage

·         Improvements at the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility

·         Development of the Carmel River Basin Study

·         Coordination on a Stormwater Resource Plan for the District

·         Development of a Drought Contingency Plan for North Monterey County

·         A linked surface water and groundwater model for the Carmel Valley

·         Completion of an Instream Flow Incremental Method Study in the Carmel River

·         Developing and submitting grant applications for Proposition 1 funds

·         Administering grant funds

·         Coordinating with other Central Coast regions on Integrated Regional Water Management

·         Satisfying requirements of the recently enacted Sustainable Groundwater Management Act for the Carmel Valley Basin

·         Other Mitigation Program activities along the Carmel River


A Senior Water Resources Engineer would lead or participate in many of these projects.  A revised job description, Exhibit 4-A, is attached.


In September, the Board authorized placement of the Water Resources Engineer position in Range 43 on the District Salary Schedule, as a reflection of comparable salaries of journeymen engineer positions at local government agencies.  After review of area senior-level engineer position compensation, it has been determined that the District’s Senior Water Resources Engineer position should be placed in Range 51 of the salary schedule.  The range placement would result in an 11% differential between the salaries of the Planning and Engineering Manager and Senior Water Resources Engineer.  This would be the same internal relationship as that between the Water Resources Manager and Senior Hydrogeologist positions.


RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a change from the current District Organization Chart, Exhibit 4-B, to the proposed Organization Chart, attached as Exhibit 4-C, replacing the Water Resources Engineer position with a Senior Water Resources Engineer position.


IMPACTS TO STAFF/RESOURCES: The cost to the District for the higher level position, with an April 1, 2016 start date, would be approximately $5,607 greater for the remainder of the fiscal year than current budgeted.  The annualized cost would be approximately $22,427 greater than the Project Manager position, which will remain unfunded until such time as the District has a need to fill that position.



4-A      Senior Water Resources Engineer Job Description

4-B      Current Organization Chart

4-C      Proposed Organization Chart


