Water Supply Planning Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

August 21, 2014




Call to Order

The meeting was called order at 10:30 am in the Water Management District conference room.


Committee members present:

Robert S. Brower, Sr. - Committee Chair


David Pendergrass


Jeanne Byrne



Committee members absent:





Staff members present:

David Stoldt, General Manager


Larry Hampson, Planning & Engineering Division Manager


Joe Oliver, Water Resources Division Manager


Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant




District Counsel present:

David Laredo





Comments from the Public

No comments were directed the committee.


Action Items



Consider Adoption of Committee Minutes – May 22, June 10 and July 14, 2014


On a motion by Pendergrass and second of Byrne, the minutes were adopted unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0 by Pendergrass, Byrne and Brower.  No comments were directed to the committee on this item.



Discussion Items



Update on Progress to Obtain Source Water Agreements for Pure Water Monterey Project


Stoldt advised the committee that he provided a draft Memorandum of Understanding to the growers for a meeting they had scheduled for August 21, 2014.  Stoldt and the other settling parties will discuss the possibility of requesting a three-month or longer extension of the deadline for the Pure Water Monterey project. No public comment was directed to the committee on this item.




Presentation on Calculation of Useable Storage


Joe Oliver presented the report to the committee.  He submitted a chart that depicted the estimated amount of water that is in each of the Water Management District’s monitor wells.  When the useable storage is calculated by Water Management District staff, only water that is estimated to be above the perforation point of the well is included.  A more conservative approach would be to estimate useable storage based on the location of the pump intake in each well.  The Water Management District estimates there are 28,500 acre-feet of usable storage.  If a more conservative method were implemented, the total storage would be 10% to 15% less than previously estimated.  However, if it were possible for California American Water (Cal-Am) to lower their pumps, that could increase the useable storage estimate.   Some of the comments raised during the committee discussion follow.  (1) It was suggested that a study should be done to determine if Cal-Am’s pump could be lowered.  (2) Private pumpers’ usage cannot be easily reduced in a time of rationing, so a more conservative approach to estimating usable storage may be advisable.  (3) The Board should not reopen this issue.  No public comments were directed to the committee on this item.




Discuss Integrated Regional Water Management Drought-Round Grant Application


Larry Hampson reviewed the $3 million in applications for five grant projects that have been submitted to the state under the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan.  He noted that only $12 million is available for the Coastal region.  By the end of August or early September the state will advise applicants if grants have been awarded.  No public comment was directed to the committee on this item.




Update on Local Project Funding Grant Program


Stoldt distributed a list of local jurisdictions that received Local Project Fund Grant applications.  He expects to receive applications from the City of Seaside, Pebble Beach Company, Monterey County Fairgrounds, Pebble Beach Community Services District, Monterey Peninsula Airport District and the City of Pacific Grove.  No public comment was directed to the committee on this item.




Update on Laguna Seca Safe Yield Modeling


The committee received a report from Oliver.  No public comment was directed to the committee on this items.




Discussion on Options for Rationing and Potential Timetable for Implementation


There was no discussion of this item.


Suggestions from the Public on Water Supply Project Alternatives

No comments.



Set Next Meeting Date

The meeting was scheduled for September 18, 2014 at 9 am.




The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12 pm.


