Water Supply Planning Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

March 4, 2014




Call to Order

The meeting was called order at 8:12 am in the Water Management District conference room.


Committee members present:

Jeanne Byrne


David Pendergrass



Committee members absent:

Robert Brower




Staff members present:

David Stoldt, General Manager


Larry Hampson, Planning & Engineering Division Manager


Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant




District Counsel present:

David Laredo





Comments from the Public

No comments.


Action Items



Consider Adoption of February 18, 2014 Committee Meeting Minutes


On a motion by Pendergrass and second of Byrne, the minutes were adopted unanimously on a vote of Pendergrass and Byrne.




Develop Recommendation to the Board on Authorization to Increase Budget for Groundwater Replenishment Project (GWR)


On a motion by Pendergrass and second of Bryne the committee voted unanimously to recommend that the Board of Directors increase budgeted expenditures for the Groundwater Replenishment Project by $938,851 for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 and approve Amendment 1 to the Cost Sharing Agreement.  The motion was approved on a vote of Pendergrass and Byrne.   No comments were directed to the committee during the public comment period on this item.



Discussion Items


Progress Report on GWR Development from Representative to Joint Ad-Hoc GWR Committee


The committee discussed communications with the Joint Ad-Hoc Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) Committee and parties that control intake water sources. The goal is to develop terms and conditions for GWR source water agreements. Stoldt reviewed charts that describe alternatives for GWR source water, including diversions of flows in the Blanco Drain and Reclamation Ditch to the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) treatment facility for incorporation into the GWR for use on the Monterey Peninsula. The Blanco Drain and Reclamation Ditch waters could also potentially be treated at new facilities to be constructed by Salinas Valley interests and distributed to beneficiaries that have contracted for purchase of the water.


Staff also reported that Monterey County has a right to divert up to 135,000 acre-feet per year (AFY) from the Salinas River under a permit that dates from 1957. SWRCB threatened to revoke the permit for lack of due diligence in completing work necessary to appropriate water.  The State Water Resources Control Agency and MCWRA agreed to settle the matter with a reduction in the face amount of the right from 168,000 AFY to 135,000 AFY.  In addition, SWRCB set an aggressive schedule that includes several milestones culminating with construction of a project by July 1, 2026.  By July 2015 the County must provide to the state, a financing plan to fund a project that will utilize that water right. The challenge for the County is to convert the water right to an annual right with a diversion point close to the coast.  The two existing points of diversion are near Soledad and Spreckels. Water Management staff believes that the prohibition against transfer of water from the Salinas aquifer to the Peninsula relates only to groundwater. There are various proposals for use of the County’s water right. (1) Utilize the surface water right for all the City of Salinas’ water needs.  However, storage and conveyance facilities would need to be planned and constructed.  (2) The Water Management District could purchase a portion of the County’s surface water, which would provide water for the Peninsula and funding for other County water infrastructure projects.


Suggestions from the Public on Water Supply Project Alternatives

No comments.



Set Next Meeting Date

A meeting date was not set.  At the April 2014 committee meeting, the committee should review the revised Los Padres Dam and Reservoir Long-Term Strategic and Short-Term Tactical Plan.




The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 am.


