Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Second Quarter Report on Financial Activity
Fiscal Year 2012-2013
Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Percent of
Revenues Budget Variance Budget
Permit Fees $129,671 $115,500 ($14,171) 112.3%
Connection Charges $81,111 $87,500 $6,389 92.7%
Interest $323 $2,500 $2,177 12.9%
User Fees $20,571 $50,000 $29,429 41.1%
Property Taxes $880,752 $701,500 ($179,252) 125.6%
Mitigation Revenue $389,992 $780,000 $390,008 50.0%
Water Supply Charge $1,968,985 $1,850,000 ($118,985) 106.4%
Reimbursements $1,093,012 $2,744,400 $1,651,388 39.8%
Grants $0 $739,200 $739,200 0.0%
Other $29,427 $10,500 ($18,927) 280.3%
     Total Revenues $4,593,844 $7,081,100 $2,487,256 64.9%
Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Percent of
Expenditures Budget Variance Budget
Personnel $1,595,614 $1,651,750 $56,136 96.6%
Supplies & Services $250,845 $468,000 $217,155 53.6%
Fixed Assets $0 $35,100 $35,100 0.0%
Project Expenditures $1,338,976 $4,815,950 $3,476,974 27.8%
Debt Service $27,031 $72,800 $45,769 37.1%
Contingencies/Other $0 $37,500 $37,500 0.0%
     Total Expenditures $3,212,466 $7,081,100 $3,868,634 45.4%