Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Preliminary FY 2012/13 Budget
Scenario 1:  Assumes Full User Fee Collection
and No Reserves Available
FY 2010/2011 FY 2011/2012 FY 2012/2013
Audit Rev. Budget Estimated
Property taxes     1,402,646     1,403,000      1,403,000
User fees     3,048,993                 -        3,700,000
Connection charges        319,728        275,000         275,000
Permit fees        296,735        205,000         200,000
Investment income            4,772            5,000             5,000
Legal fee reimbursements          23,638          15,000           15,000
Recording fees          11,987            6,000             6,000
Miscellaneous          44,628          15,000           15,000
Sub-total w/o reimbursements     5,153,127     1,924,000      5,619,000
Project reimbursements     2,426,480     1,994,300         619,400
Mitigation reimbursements                 -       1,661,500                   -  
Grants                 -          929,000                   -  
Use of loans                 -         675,200                   -  
Use of reserves/loans        437,961     1,174,000                   -  
Total revenues     8,017,568     8,358,000      6,238,400
Salaries & benefits     3,255,865     3,248,700      3,281,187
Project expenditures     3,533,434     3,792,000         316,700
Project expenditures - capital                 -                   -           826,322
Project expenditures - conservation                 -                   -           619,400
Services & supplies     1,132,044     1,014,222      1,054,791
Capital outlays          73,136          34,078           40,000
Debt service - interest          23,089          25,000           25,000
Election expense                 -          169,000                   -  
Contingency                 -            75,000           75,000
Sub-total expenditures     8,017,568     8,358,000      6,238,400