
Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds to Amend Contract with Pueblo Water Resources for FY 2010-11 Hydrogeologic and engineering services for phases 1 and 2 Aquifer Storage and Recovery Projects


Meeting Date:

October 18, 2010





Darby Fuerst,


1-2-1 A. 1 &


General Manager

Line Item No.:

2, and B. 1 to 5


Prepared By:

Joe Oliver

Cost Estimate:

(est. Cal-Am reimbursement amount)




General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on October 12, 2010 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD or District) and California American Water (Cal-Am) are preparing to initiate Water Year (WY) 2011 injection operations at the Santa Margarita Phase 1 Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) site on General Jim Moore Boulevard in Seaside.  In addition, the District and Cal-Am are pursuing the next phase of expansion of the ASR Project (Phase 2).  Accordingly, the proposed scope of work and cost for hydrogeologic and engineering assistance during Fiscal Year 2010-11 is included in the proposal in Exhibit 2-A.  This proposal has been developed to incorporate all elements identified during the course of the recent monthly ASR coordination meetings between the District and Cal-Am.  Under direction from the District with Cal-Am coordination, this work will be conducted by Pueblo Water Resources (PWR), the firm that has been providing hydrogeologic and engineering support on both the Phase 1 and 2 ASR projects.  The PWR proposal provided in Exhibit 2-A describes the tasks necessary to accomplish this work in greater detail.  The proposal incorporates scheduled work through the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2010-11 (i.e., June 30, 2011).


Phase 1 Site:  The work at the Santa Margarita Phase 1 ASR site includes a focus on design, engineering and permitting assistance for acquisition of new land area to accommodate new water delivery lines to and from other ASR facility sites to the new Chemical/Electric building at this site.  These additional lines and 40-feet wide easement are needed to facilitate disinfection, circulation and disposal of water within an expanded ASR system, consistent with the Cal-Am Coastal Water Project plans.  As part of this work, the site entry, driveway circulation pattern and backflush percolation pit will be redesigned to accommodate the new pipelines and future uses associated with them.  In addition, it is planned to complete installation of permanent wellhead automated controls at the site ASR wells, and permanent electrical control equipment inside the new building during this period.

Phase 2 Site:  The work at the Seaside Middle School Phase 2 ASR site includes procurement of well pumping and wellhead piping equipment for use in backflushing operations at the Seaside Middle School ASR test well that was constructed in Summer 2010.  In addition, work at this site will include formal “baseline” injection testing of this new ASR well.  The Seaside Middle School ASR test well was installed under an accelerated schedule in response to the October 20, 2009 adoption of State Water Resources Control Board Cease and Desist Order WR 2009-0060.  It is the District and Cal-Am’s understanding that this work will comply with Condition 5 of this Order, which requires Cal-Am to implement “one or more small projects, that when taken together, total not less than 500 afa [acre-feet per annum] to reduce unlawful diversions from the river”.  Condition 5 further requires that the projects shall be implemented within 24 months of entry of the Order.  The current estimated yield for a full Phase 2 ASR Project consisting of two ASR wells at this site is 1,000 acre-feet per year.


RECOMMENDATION:   District staff recommends authorization to amend the existing contract agreement with PWR for the hydrogeologic and engineering technical services described in Exhibit 2-A, for a not-to-exceed amount of $734,737.  Of this amount, an estimated $373,750 will be from direct reimbursement by Cal-Am under agreements for Phase 1 operation and maintenance and Phase 2 test well installation.  If approved, staff will process an amendment for this amount in order to continue work on both the Phase 1 and 2 ASR project elements without delay.  The requested funding authorization includes a 10% contingency amount which would only be utilized based on written request and authorization by the District.


IMPACT ON STAFF/RESOURCES:  Planning, design, construction and operation of the Phase 1 ASR Project facilities and initiation of the Phase 2 ASR expansion are ongoing significant staff commitments, as reflected in the District’s Strategic Plan.  Funds for this work are included in the MPWMD FY 2010-11 budget under Line Items 1-2-1 A.1 & 2 and B. 1 to 5 (adopted June 21, 2010).  District staff will continue to coordinate with Cal-Am on all work elements applicable for direct reimbursement.


BACKGROUND:  The proposed work described in this item represents a continuation of past accomplishments on the Phase 1 and Phase 2 ASR Projects, with technical assistance from PWR.  Given the current knowledge base and capabilities of the PWR staff that have been assigned to this work, combined with the desired fast-track schedule for the Phase 2 ASR component, District staff believes that it is most prudent and efficient to extend the existing contract with PWR, to avoid delays and duplicative work on the projects.  PWR is prepared and able to initiate this work in accordance with the current requested schedule, and has successfully accommodated other past short-notice schedule changes on both the Phase 1 and 2 ASR project work elements.  PWR’s hourly fee schedule is among the lowest of rates that District staff is aware of from firms doing comparable technical work in this area, or from other firms with which the District has recently retained for a similar level of professional services.  This in part, led to the original contract award by competitive solicitation to PWR (formerly Padre Associates) for the development of the first full-scale ASR well at the Phase 1 ASR site.  In addition, PWR currently provides technical assistance to CAW for the ASR component of the proposed Coastal Water Project.  By retaining PWR for this work, there is greater assurance that the District’s and CAW’s ASR Project plans will be well coordinated and cost effective.



2-A      PWR Proposal for Hydrogeologic and Engineering Services:  Phase 1 and 2 ASR Projects, Fiscal Year 2010-11 Program, letter of October 12, 2010

